Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria used in SAAS.
Inclusion criteria | A diagnosis of new-onset asthma made by a respiratory specialist Diagnosis confirmed by at least one of the following objective lung function measurements:a FEV1 reversibility in spirometry of at least 15% and 200 ml Diurnal variability (⩾20%) or repeated reversibility (⩾15%/60 l/min) in PEF follow-up A significant decrease in FEV1 (15%) or PEF (20%) in response to exercise or allergen A significant reversibility in FEV1 (at least 15% and 200 ml) or significant mean PEF change in response to a trial with oral or inhaled glucocorticoids Symptoms of asthma Age ⩾15 years |
Exclusion criteria | Physical or mental inability to provide signed informed consent Diagnosis of asthma below the age of 15 years Of note: Patients with comorbidities, either other lung disease or any other significant disease, were not excluded Patients were not excluded because of smoking, alcohol use or any other lifestyle factor Respiratory symptoms or any other disease during childhood was not a reason to exclude patients, but a diagnosis of asthma at age <15 years was an exclusion criteria |