Experimental paradigms with belt speeds for split-belt walking (A) and the marching-walking hybrid (B). Experiments began with baseline walking at 3 different speeds for 2 min each. The subjects then walked at 0.5 m/s for 1 min, experienced a brief 10-s exposure (catch) to the belts moving at different speeds, and then walked again at 0.5 m/s for 2 min. This was followed by an adaptation phase with the belts moving at different speeds for an extended period. In experiment 1, subjects adapted for 15 min and then deadapted on the treadmill for 15 min. In experiment 2, subjects adapted for 15 min, experienced a 10-s tied-belt catch trial, adapted for 5 more minutes, walked over ground for ten 6-m walks, and then returned to the treadmill for washout. For all belt speeds at 0 m/s, the subjects were instructed to march; 10-s catch trials are indicated with an exclamation mark.