Extended Data Figure 7. Conditional knockout of Dnmt3a in vivo.
a, Diagram of the Dnmt3a locus and Cre-dependent conditional knockout strategy for Dnmt3a26. LoxP sites (green triangles) flank exon 17, which is removed following Cre-mediated recombination. Primers (purple arrows) were designed to flank exons 17 and 18. The wild-type (WT), floxed (FLX), and knockout (KO) allele are depicted. b, Representative PCR genotyping for tail DNA samples indicates presence or absence of the floxed (flx, ~800 bp), wild-type (WT, ~750 bp), and knockout (KO, ~500 bp) alleles. Separate genotyping reaction for the Nestin-cre transgene (~250 bp) is shown. c, Efficient excision of the floxed exon is detected in cerebellar DNA from conditional knockout (Dnmt3aflx/flx; Nestin-Cre+/−, Dnmt3a cKO) mice but not from and control animals (Dnmt3aflx/flx, Control). d, Western blot analysis of Dnmt3a, MeCP2, and Gapdh (loading control) protein from the cerebellum of control and Dnmt3a cKO adult mice.