Figure 8.6.
(A) Purified LnmI and LnmJACPs on a 4 to 15% SDS-PAGE: lane1, molecular weight standards; lane 2, ACP3; lane 3, ACP4; lane 4, ACP5; lane 5, ACP6-1; lane 6, ACP6-2; lane 7, ACP7; lane 8, ACP8. The numbers after the ACPs refer to the PKS modules from which they are derived, with 6–1 and 6–2 to indicate the first and second ACPs, respectively, for PKS module 6. (B) HPLC analysis of carrier protein modification and LnmG-catalyzed loading of the extender substrate onto holo-ACP, as exemplified by ACP3: (I) apo-ACP3 (●); (II) Svp-catalyzed conversion of apo-ACP to holo-ACPs (◆); and (III) LnmG-catalyzed loading of malonyl CoA onto holo-ACP, showing holo-ACP3 (◆) converted to malonyl-S-ACP3 (▾). (C) Purified discrete AT (LnmG) on a 4 to15% SDS-PAGE: lane1, molecular weight standards; lane 2, LnmG.