Table 2.
Results from focal HIFU studies mentioning post-treatment histological outcomes
Study | Total number of patients | Treatment modality | Biopsy method for initial diagnosis | Protocol or for-cause biopsy method | Number of patients with a positive post-procedural biopsy/total number of biopsied patients | Biopsy significance | Subsequent treatment |
Muto et al. [29] | 29 | HIFU | TRUS | Protocol 6–12 months TRUS |
3/28 at 6 months 4/17 at 12 months |
NA | ADT |
Fegoun et al. [30] | 12 | HIFU | NA | Protocol 12 months TRUS |
1/12 | 1/1 NS | Redo HIFU (1) |
Ahmed et al. [14] | 20 | HIFU | Template mapping | Protocol 6 months mpMRI + TRUS targeted of treated side only |
2/19 ipsilateral | 2/2 NS | AS (1) Redo HIFU (1) |
Ahmed et al. [31] | 41 | HIFU | Template mapping | Protocol 6 months mpMRI + TRUS targeted of treated side only |
9/39 ipsilateral | 6/9 NS | AS (5) Redo HIFU (4) |
Dickinson et al. [32] | 88 | HIFU | NA | For cause mpMRI + TRUS targeted |
20/72 ipsilateral | 10/20 NS | NA |
Velthoven et al. [33] | 27 | HIFU | TRUS + concordance with mpMRI lesion 2 months after biopsy | For cause (rising PSA) | 3/5 contralateral | 3/3 contralateral | Contra-lateral HIFU (3) |
HIFU high-intensity focused ultrasound, TRUS transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy, NA not available, NS non-significant, ADT androgen deprivation therapy, AS active surveillance