Table 2. List of parameters varied in the human and rat SimPops and results of multiple regression analysis in human SimPops administered 600 mg/day troglitazone (TGZ) for 6 months.
Parameter Name | Parameter Description | Significance | Standardized Coefficienta |
| |||
Bile Acid Homeostasis Sub-model | |||
LCA-sulfate uptake Vmax | Maximum velocity of hepatic uptake of LCA-sulfate | N/S | −0.08 |
LCA-sulfate canalicular efflux Vmax | Maximum velocity of biliary excretion of LCA-sulfate | P< 0.001 | 0.41 |
CDCA-amide uptake Vmax | Maximum velocity of hepatic uptake of CDCA-amide | N/S | −0.01 |
CDCA-amide canalicular efflux Vmax | Maximum velocity of biliary excretion of CDCA-amide | P< 0.01 | 0.14 |
CDCA-amide basolateral efflux Vmax | Maximum velocity of hepatic basolateral efflux of CDCA-amide | N/S (P=0.06) | 0.08 |
CDCA amidation Vmax | Maximum velocity of CDCA amidation in hepatocytes | N/S | 0.06 |
LCA-amide sulfation Vmax | Maximum velocity of LCA-amide sulfation in hepatocytes | N/S | −0.06 |
LCA synthesis Vmax | Maximum velocity of LCA synthesis by the gut microbiome | P< 0.001 | −0.21 |
Uptake regulation scaling factor | Scaling factor governing the magnitude of feedback regulation of hepatic uptake transporter function by hepatic bile acid accumulation | N/S | 0.02 |
Canalicular efflux regulation scaling factor | Scaling factor governing the magnitude of FXR-mediated feedback regulation of hepatic canalicular transporter function by hepatic bile acid accumulation | P< 0.001 | 0.2 |
LCA hydroxylation Vmaxb | Maximum velocity of LCA hydroxylation in hepatocytes | N/A | N/A |
| |||
Drug PBPK Sub-model
| |||
TGZ intestinal absorption Kab | First-order rate constant for TGZ absorption from intestine | N/S | −0.05 |
TGZ hepatic uptake Vmax | Maximum velocity of TGZ hepatic uptake | N/S | −0.07 |
TGZ sulfation Vmax | Formation rate of TGZ-sulfate (TS) | N/S | −0.06 |
TS biliary clearance | Biliary clearance of TS | P< 0.001 | 0.15 |
| |||
Other system-specific parameters
| |||
Body weightc | Body weight | P< 0.001 | 0.15 |
Toxicity Km for CDCA and LCA speciesc | Intracellular bile acid concentrations that induce half-maximal inhibition of ATP synthesis | P< 0.001 | 0.15 |
Parameter estimates that would have resulted from the regression if all of the variables had been standardized to a mean of 0 and a variance of 1. The greater the absolute value of the standardized coefficient, the greater the effects of the independent variable on the model output.
Used in rat SimPops only.
Used in human SimPops only.
N/S, not significant.
N/A, not available.