Figure 3.
Two-way sensitivity analysis of reimbursement. This two-way sensitivity breakpoint analysis shows the combinations of laboratory and home sleep reimbursement where the sleep laboratory has different levels of profitability, assuming that all patients are tested under the HomePAP home arm algorithm. The pink region indicates the combinations of reimbursement where a sleep laboratory realizes a net operating loss even after assuming that the sleep laboratory is reimbursed for providing every patient with continuous positive airway pressure/autotitrating positive airway pressure equipment (i.e., durable medical equipment [DME]). The blue region is where the sleep laboratory has a positive net operating margin only after DME reimbursement for all patients. The green region is where the sleep laboratory has a positive net operating margin before DME reimbursement is considered. Medicare reimbursement for FY2011 are used. HST, home sleep testing.