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. 2015 May 7;125(26):4078–4084. doi: 10.1182/blood-2015-03-633958

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Sterile inflammatory infiltrates are present in the liver of Tfpi−/−:Par4−/− mice. Livers were isolated from Tfpi−/−:Par4−/− mice (first and second columns) and Par4−/− mice (third column) and processed for immunohistochemistry. Serial sections were stained for T lymphocytes (first row, CD3-positive cells), neutrophils (second row, Ly6B.2-positive cells), macrophages (third row; F4/80-positive cells), and fibrin(ogen) (fourth row). Two types of lesions were observed in Tfpi−/−:Par4−/− mice: smaller lesions containing predominantly CD3+ cells and macrophages that were associated with fibrin deposition (first column) and large, necrotic, fibrin-rich lesions containing neutrophils that were surrounded by CD3+ cells (second column). Staining of tissue from Par4−/− mice (third column) served as a control. In each image, lesions are indicated with arrowheads, and the central vein is indicated with the letter V. Slides were examined at room temperature using Olympus 10X UPlanFI and ×20 Plan objectives lenses mounted to a Olympus BX50 microscope. Coverslips were mounted using xylene-compatible mounting medium (Dako). Images were captured with a Nikon DS-Fi1 digital microscope camera and Nikon NIS Elements software (version 2.1).