Descriptive Statistics of Sample
Hispanic N = 85 | White N = 1,019 | Black N = 201 | Native American N = 67 | Asian N = 53 | |
Agea | 21.86 (1.62) | 21.84 (1.76) | 21.89 (1.86) | 21.45 (1.82) | 21.60 (1.65) |
Years smokinga | 5.02 (2.94) | 5.53 (2.68)b,* | 4.23 (2.69)b | 5.02 (3.05) | 4.38 (2.41) |
Personal incomea | $15,949.32 ($10,459.42) | $15,092.18 ($17,588.78) | $9,893.43 ($8,975.45) | $11,161.17 ($11,804.85) | $13,673.44 ($12,647.92) |
Cigarettes per daya | 9.95 (10.81) | 13.48 (9.52)b | 8.58 (10.20)b,* | 12.72 (8.77)b | 7.83 (6.71) |
Days smoking in last 30a | 23.49 (9.32) | 26.76 (7.17)b | 21.52 (11.00)b,* | 26.78 (7.50)b | 25.83 (7.52)b |
Time to first cigarettea | 3.22 (1.0)b | 2.66 (1.12)b | 2.33 (1.18)b,* | 2.46 (115) | 3.02 (1.10)b |
TTFC < 5 min | 7.1% | 18.6% | 31.8% | 26.9% | 11.3% |
TTFC 6–30 min | 20.0% | 29.7% | 29.9% | 26.9% | 24.5% |
TTFC 31–60 min | 16.5% | 18.4% | 11.9% | 19.4% | 15.1% |
TTFC > 61 min | 56.5% | 33.2% | 26.4% | 26.9% | 49.1% |
Note. TTFC = time to the first cigarette of the day.
aValues are mean (standard deviation).
bValues represent group differences.
*p < .001.