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. 2015 Jun 25;10(6):e0130688. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130688

Fig 2. GBT protein trapping identifies integument loci with epidermal or fin mesenchymal expression.

Fig 2

As identified by mRFP localization, seven GBT alleles have unique epidermal expression patterns emphasizing epidermal continuity over the body and larval fin folds. They are: (A, B) nrg2a mn0237Gt, (C, D) col4a4 mn0275Gt, (E, F) arhgef25b mn0175Gt, (G, H) ahnak mn0196Gt, (I, J) capn12 mn0261Gt, (K, L) fkbp10b mn0316Gt, and (M, N) msxc mn0245Gt. (B, D, I, J, K) Four lines, nrg2a mn0237Gt, col4a4 mn0275Gt, capn12 mn0261Gt, and fkbp10b mn0316Gt, have “holes” or “gaps” in their epidermal pattern (green arrowheads) where neuromasts embedded in the basal layer exclude the mRFP-positive basal keratinocytes. (A, G, I, K, M) nrg2a mn0237Gt (A), ahnak mn0196Gt (G), capn12 mn0261Gt (I), fkbp10b mn0316Gt (K), and msxc mn0245Gt (M) are also expressed in the pectoral fin folds. (C-D, J, L, M-N) col4a4 mn0275Gt, capn12 mn0261Gt, fkbp10b mn0316Gt, and msxc mn0245Gt epidermal expression (blue arrowheads) can be difficult to discern among other expression pattern components. (I-N) capn12 mn0261Gt, megf6a mn0316Gt, and msxc mn0245Gt also show expression in fin mesenchymal cells (pink arrowheads). (C, D, K, L, M, N) Several lines are also expressed in other tissues. (C, D) col4a4 mn0275Gt appears in myotomes and the vascular plexus. (K, L) fkbp10b mn0316Gt is seen in the notochord. (M, N) msxc mn0245Gt is strongly expressed in the brain, spinal cord, and sensory maculae. hpf, hours post-fertilization. Comparisons of the mRFP localization patterns with the expression pattern of the endogenous genes are shown in Supporting Information (S1 Fig)