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. 2015 Jun 15;13(2):540. doi: 10.18549/pharmpract.2015.02.540

Table 1.

Baseline Characteristics of Community Pharmacists by Practice Type and Practice Location

Variable Practice Type Practice Location
Independent N= 200 Chain N = 202 p-value Rural N = 173 Urban N = 217 p-value
KASPER Utilization
Requested Reports 187 94% 152 75% <0.001* 145 84% 183 84% 0.890
Practice Location
Rural 115 58% 58 29% <0.001* - - - - -
Urban 75 38% 142 70% <0.001* - - - - -
Practice Type
Independent - - - - - 115 66% 75 34% <0.001*
Chain - - - - - 58 33% 142 65% <0.001*
Years in Practice
Median Years (IQR)a 27 16(35) 15 5(29) <0.001* 24 10(34) 19 8(31) 0.028*
CS Dispensing Behavior
Median CS dispensed per day (IQR)a 40 22(60) 50 30(100) <0.001* 50 25(75) 45 26(75) 0.391
Perceived Effectiveness of KASPER
Reducing Drug Abuse and Diversion 176 88% 184 91% 0.219 148 86% 201 93% 0.042*
Reducing Doctor Shopping 172 86% 174 86% 0.675 149 86% 186 86% 0.734

Denotes statistical significance at the 5% level.


IQR: Interquartile range