Figure 4.
Increased number of Cxcl12-expressing cells in central vein (CV) region compared with the portal tract (PT) are hepatic stellate cells. A and B: Cxcl12-expressing cells (green) can be seen directly adjacent to bile ducts in the PT (arrowheads pointing to bile duct) and around a CV, with more Cxcl12-expressing cells seen in the vicinity of the CV compared with the PT. C: Quantification of green fluorescent protein (GFP)–positive cells shows threefold more cells located in the proximity of the CV, defined as 50% to 100% of PT to CV distance. D–F: Coimmunostaining for stellate cell marker desmin (D, red) shows that many of these CXCL12-expressing cells (E, green) surrounding the CV are hepatic stellate cells (F, yellow). n = 5. ∗∗∗P < 0.001.