Table A1.
List of included studies and their design.
Authors | Design |
Shishani, K.; Howell, D.; McPherson, S.; Roll, J. Young adult waterpipe smokers: Smoking behaviors and associated subjective and physiological effects. Addict. Behav. 2014, 39, 1113–1119. | Longitudinal and Prospective |
Villanti, A.C.; Cobb, C.O.; Cohen, A.M.; Williams, V.F.; Rath, J.M. Correlates of hookah use and predictors of hookah trial in U.S. young adults. Am. J. Prev. Med. 2015. | |
Fielder, R.L.; Carey, K.B.; Carey, M.P. Predictors of initiation of hookah tobacco smoking: A one-year prospective study of first-year college women. Psychol. Addict. Behav. 2012, 26, 963–968. | |
Fielder, R.L.; Carey, K.B.; Carey, M.P. Hookah, cigarette, and marijuana use: A prospective study of smoking behaviors among first-year college women. Addict. Behav. 2013, 38, 2729–2735. | |
Rezk-Hanna, M.; Macabasco-O’Connell, A.; Woo, M. Hookah smoking among young adults in Southern California. Nurs. Res. 2014, 63, 300–306. | Observational/Descriptive (cross-sectional, survey) |
Amrock, S.M.; Gordon, T.; Zelikoff, J.T.; Weitzman, M. Hookah use among adolescents in the United States: Results of a national survey. Nicotine Tob. Res. 2014, 16, 231–237. | |
Linde, B.D.; Ebbert, J.O.; Pasker, C.K.; Talcott, G.W.; Schroeder, D.R.; Hanson, A.C.; Klesges, R.C. Prevalence and predictors of hookah use in US air force military recruits. Addict. Behav. 2015, 47, 5–10. | |
Palamar, J.J.; Zhou, S.; Sherman, S.; Weitzman, M. Hookah use among US high school seniors. Pediatrics 2014, 134, 227–234. | |
Goodwin, R.D.; Grinberg, A.; Shapiro, J.; Keith, D.; McNeil, M.P.; Taha, F.; Jiang, B.; Hart, C.L. Hookah use among college students: Prevalence, drug use, and mental health. Drug Alcohol Depen. 2014, 141, 16–20. | |
Grifith, M.A.; Ford, E.W. Hookah Smoking: Behaviors and beliefs among young consumers in the United Staes. Soc. Work Pub. Health 2014, 29, 17–26. | |
Primack, B.A.; Longacre, M.R.; Beach, M.L.; Adachi-Mejia, A.M.; Titus, L.J.; Dalton, M.A. Association of established smoking among adolescents with timing of exposure to smoking depicted in movies. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 2012, 104, 549–555. | |
Rice, V.H.; Weglicki, L.S.; Templin, T.; Jamil, H.; Hammad, A. Intervention effects on tobacco use in Arab and non-Arab American adolescents. Addict. Behav. 2010, 35, 46–48. | |
Primack, B.; Sidani, J.; Shadel, W.; Eissenberg, T. Prevalence of and associations with waterpipe tobacco smoking among U.S. University students. Ann. Behav. Med. 2008, 36, 81–86. | |
Sterling, K.L.; Mermelstein, R. Examining hookah smoking among a cohort of adolescent ever smokers. Nicotine Tob. Res. 2011, 13, 1202–1209. | |
Lipkus, I.M.; Eissenberg, T.; Schwartz-Bloom, R.D.; Prokhorov, A.V.; Levy, J. Affecting perceptions of harm and addiction among college waterpipe tobacco smokers. Nicotine Tob. Res. 2011, 13, 599–610. | |
Maziak, W.; Ward, K.D.; Eissenberg, T. Factors related to frequency of narghile (waterpipe) use: The first insights on tobacco dependence in narghile users. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2004, 76, 101–106. | |
Sukaina Alzyoud, L.H.; Omar, E.S.; Roula, G.; Khalid, K.; Khalid, A.A.; Yan, J. Patterns of waterpipe use among Arab immigrants in the USA: A pilot study Br. J. Med. Med. Res. 2014, 4, 11. | |
Primack, B.A.; Shensa, A.; Kim, K.H.; Carroll, M.V.; Hoban, M.T.; Leino, E.V.; Eissenberg, T.; Dachille, K.H.; Fine, M.J. Waterpipe smoking among U.S. University students. Nicotine Tob. Res. 2013, 15, 29–35. | |
Barnett, T.E.; Forrest, J.R.; Porter, L.; Curbow, B.A. A multiyear assessment of hookah use prevalence among Florida high school students. Nicotine Tob. Res. 2014, 16, 373–377. | |
Barnett, T.; Smith, T.; He, Y.; Soule, E.; Curbow, B.; Tomar, S.; McCarty, C. Evidence of emerging hookah use among university students: A cross-sectional comparison between hookah and cigarette use. BMC Public Health 2013, 13, 302. | |
Noonan, D.; Patrick, M.E. Factors associated with perceptions of hookah addictiveness and harmfulness among young adults. Subst. Abuse 2013, 34, 83–85. | |
Sidani, J.E.; Shensa, A.; Primack, B.A. Substance and hookah use and living arrangement among fraternity and sorority members at US colleges and universities. J. Commun. Health 2013, 38, 238–245. | |
Abughosh, S.; Wu, I.H.; Peters, J.R. Predictors of persistent waterpipe smoking among university students in the United States. Epidemiology: Open Access 2011, 01. | |
Noonan, D.; Kulbok, P.; Yan, G. Intention to smoke tobacco using a waterpipe among students in a southeastern U.S. College. Public Health Nurs. 2011, 28, 494–502. | |
Primack, B.A.; Kim, K.H.; Shensa, A.; Sidani, J.E.; Barnett, T.E.; Switzer, G.E. Tobacco, marijuana, and alcohol use in university students: A cluster analysis. J. Am. Coll. Health 2012, 60, 374–386. | |
Rice, V.H.; Weglicki, L.S.; Templin, T.; Hammad, A.; Jamil, H.; Kulwicki, A. Predictors of Arab American adolescent tobacco use. Merrill Palmer Q (Wayne State Univ Press) 2006, 52, 327–342. | |
Jamil, H.; Templin, T.; Fakhouri, M.; Rice, V.H.; Khouri, R.; Fakhouri, H. Comparison of personal characteristics, tobacco use, and health states in Chaldean, Arab American, and non-Middle Eastern white adults. J. Immigr. Minor. Health 2009, 11, 310–317. | |
Primack, B.A.; Fertman, C.I.; Rice, K.R.; Adachi-Mejia, A.M.; Fine, M.J. Waterpipe and cigarette smoking among college athletes in the United States. J. Adolescent Health 2010, 46, 45–51. | |
Backinger, C.L.; Fagan, P.; O’Connell, M.E.; Grana, R.; Lawrence, D.; Bishop, J.A.; Gibson, J.T. Use of other tobacco products among U.S. adult cigarette smokers: Prevalence, trends and correlates. Addict. Behav. 2008, 33, 472–489. | |
Noonan, D.; Kulbok, P.A. Beliefs and norms associated with smoking tobacco using a waterpipe among college students. J. Addict. Nurs. 2012, 23, 123–128. | |
Nuzzo, E.; Shensa, A.; Kim, K.H.; Fine, M.J.; Barnett, T.E.; Cook, R.; Primack, B.A. Associations between hookah tobacco smoking knowledge and hookah smoking behavior among US college students. Health Edu. Res. 2013, 28, 92–100. | |
Primack, B.A.; Walsh, M.; Bryce, C.; Eissenberg, T. Water-pipe tobacco smoking among middle and high school students in Arizona. Pediatrics 2009, 123, e282–e288. | |
Jacob, P., 3rd; Abu Raddaha, A.H.; Dempsey, D.; Havel, C.; Peng, M.; Yu, L.; Benowitz, N.L. Nicotine, carbon monoxide, and carcinogen exposure after a single use of a water pipe. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 2011, 20, 2345–2353. | |
Shihadeh, A.L.; Eissenberg, T.E. Significance of smoking machine toxicant yields to blood-level exposure in water pipe tobacco smokers. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 2011, 20, 2457–2460. | |
Islami, F.; Nasseri-Moghaddam, S.; Pourshams, A.; Poustchi, H.; Semnani, S.; Kamangar, F.; Etemadi, A.; Merat, S.; Khoshnia, M.; Dawsey, S.M., et al. Determinants of gastroesophageal reflux disease, including hookah smoking and opium use- a cross-sectional analysis of 50,000 individuals. PloS One 2014, 9, e89256. | |
Barnett, T.E.; Curbow, B.A.; Soule, E.K., Jr.; Tomar, S.L.; Thombs, D.L. Carbon monoxide levels among patrons of hookah cafes. Am. J. Prev. Med. 2011, 40, 324–328. | |
Akl, E.A.; Jawad, M.; Lam, W.Y.; Co, C.N.; Obeid, R.; Irani, J. Motives, beliefs and attitudes towards waterpipe tobacco smoking: A systematic review. Harm. Reduct. J. 2013, 10, 12. | |
Sharma, E.; Beck, K.H.; Clark, P.I. Social context of smoking hookah among college students: Scale development and validation. J. Am. College Health 2013, 61, 204–211. | |
Myslin, M.; Zhu, S.H.; Chapman, W.; Conway, M. Using Twitter to examine smoking behavior and perceptions of emerging tobacco products. J. Med. Intern. Res. 2013, 15, e174. | |
Salloum, R.G.; Thrasher, J.F.; Kates, F.R.; Maziak, W. Water pipe tobacco smoking in the United States: Findings from the National Adult Tobacco Survey. Prev. Med. 2015, 71, 88–93. | |
Salloum, R.G.; Thrasher, J.F.; Kates, F.R.; Maziak, W. Waterpipe tobacco smoking in the United States: Findings from the National Adult Tobacco Survey. Prev. Med. 2015, 71, 88–93. | Review of literature/policies |
Primack, B.A.; Hopkins, M.; Hallett, C.; Carroll, M.V.; Zeller, M.; Dachille, K.; Kim, K.H.; Fine, M.J.; Donohue, J.M.U.S. Health policy related to hookah tobacco smoking. Am. J. Public Health 2012, 102, e47–e51. | |
Akl, E.A.; Gunukula, S.K.; Aleem, S.; Obeid, R.; Jaoude, P.A.; Honeine, R.; Irani, J. The prevalence of waterpipe tobacco smoking among the general and specific populations: A systematic review. BMC Public Health 2011, 11, 244. | |
WHO Study Group on Tobacco Product Regulation. Advisory note: Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking: Health Effects, Research Needs and Recommended actions by Regulators; World Health Organization: Geneva, Switzerland, 2005. | |
Chaouachi, K. Hookah (shisha, narghile) smoking and environmental tobacco smoke: A critical review of the relevant literature and the public health consequences. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2009, 6, 798–843. | |
Griffiths, M.A.; Harmon, T.R.; Gilly, M.C. Hubble bubble trouble: The need for education about and regulation of hookah smoking. J Pub. Pol. Mark. 2011, 30, 119–132. | |
Morris, D.S.; Fiala, S.C.; Pawlak, R. Opportunities for policy interventions to reduce youth hookah smoking in the United States. Prev. Chronic Dis. 2012, 9, E165. | |
McCarthy, M. FDA moves to regulate e-cigarettes and pipe and hookah tobacco. BMJ 2014, 348, g2952. | |
Maher, J.E.; Morris, D.S.; Girard, K.E.; Pizacani, B.A. Consequences of clean indoor air exemptions in Oregon: The hookah story. Tob. Control 2014, 23, 195–196. | |
Jawad, M.; McEwen, A.; McNeill, A.; Shahab, L. To what extent should waterpipe tobacco smoking become a public health priority? Addiction 2013, 108, 1873–1884. | |
Elias, W.; Assy, N.; Elias, I.; Toledo, T.; Yassin, M.; Bowirrat, A. The detrimental danger of water-pipe (hookah) transcends the hazardous consequences of general health to the driving behavior. J. Transl. Med. 2012, 10, 126. | |
Sharma, E.; Beck, K.H.; Clark, P.I. Social context of smoking hookah among college students: scale development and validation. J. Am. College Health 2013, 61, 204–211. | Measurement scale |
Kassem, N.O.; Daffa, R.M.; Liles, S.; Jackson, S.R.; Kassem, N.O.; Younis, M.A.; Mehta, S.; Chen, M.; Jacob, P., 3rd; Carmella, S.G.; et al. Children’s exposure to secondhand and thirdhand smoke carcinogens and toxicants in homes of hookah smokers. Nicotine Tob. Res. 2014, 16, 961–975. | Health effect |
Primack, B.A.; Rice, K.R.; Shensa, A.; Carroll, M.V.; DePenna, E.J.; Nakkash, R.; Barnett, T.E. U.S. Hookah tobacco smoking establishments advertised on the internet. Am. J. Prev. Med. 2012, 42, 150–156. | Social media studies |
Salloum, R.G.; Osman, A.; Maziak, W.; Thrasher, J.F. How popular is waterpipe tobacco smoking? Findings from internet search queries. Tob. Control 2014. | |
Carroll, M.V.; Shensa, A.; Primack, B.A. A comparison of cigarette- and hookah-related videos on YouTube. Tob. Control 2013, 22, 319–323. | |
Brockman, L.N.; Pumper, M.A.; Christakis, D.A.; Moreno, M.A. Hookah’s new popularity among US college students: A pilot study of the characteristics of hookah smokers and their facebook displays. BMJ Open 2012, 2, doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001709. |