Figure 3.
Elevated numbers of CD68+ macrophages are associated with SIV infection and severity of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) pathology. A: DRG of uninfected animal A01 with scant CD68 immunoreactivity (brown). B: DRG of animal A08, a SIV-infected rhesus macaque with marked increase in CD68 immunoreactivity (brown). C: The box plot shows the absolute number of CD68+ cells per mm2 in SIV− and SIV+ DRGs. The absolute number of CD68+ cells per mm2 significantly increases in the SIV-infected DRGs. D: The box plot shows the absolute number of CD68+ cells per mm2 in mild, moderate, and severe DRGs. Elevated numbers of CD68+ macrophages are associated with severity of DRG pathology. Analysis of variance (P < 0.01) was performed, followed by post hoc t-tests. Data are given as means ± SEM (C and D). n = 4 (C, SIV− DRGs); n = 26 (C, SIV+ DRGs); n = 8 (D, mild DRGs); n = 12 (D, moderate DRGs); n = 6 (D, severe DRGs). ∗P < 0.05, ∗∗∗P < 0.001.