Spectral coherence of frontal cortex/medial dorsal thalamus (FCx-MD) functional connectivity in WT and KO mice under (A and B) ketamine- or (C and D) ethanol-induced unconsciousness. (A) Representative power spectrogram for 5 min from FCx and MD in WT and KO mice was calculated under ketamine unconsciousness. (B) Plots of coherence before (BEF) and after ketamine (KET) in five frequency ranges. Note that delta coherence increased in WT but decreased in KO mice. (C) Same as in A under ethanol-induced unconsciousness. (D) Plots of coherence before and after (ETH) ethanol-induced unconsciousness. Note differential effect on ethanol on WT and KO mice in the delta range. Number of mice: ketamine, seven WT and eight KO; ethanol, eight WT and seven KO). Statistically significant differences marked as *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001 by two-way repeated-measures ANOVA. Black, before/after change in WT; red, before/after change in KO; blue difference between WT and KO after.