Constitutive T-cell–specific ThPOK expression induces thymic lymphoma. (A) Survival plots of transgenic mice expressing ThPOK under the control of hCD2, mCD4, or mProxLck promoter vectors. Mice are all independent founders. (B) Dissection of representative 3-mo-old mCD4-ThPOK mouse and nontransgenic littermate showing enlarged lymphoid and nonlymphoid organs in the former. (C) Liver section of 3-mo-old mCD4-ThPOK and WT control mice stained for intracellular CD3 (Right). (D) RT-PCR analysis of TCRα and pTα expression in five independent mCD4-ThPOK tumors and sorted normal thymocyte subsets. (E) FACS analyses of Thy1+ peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of representative 3-mo-old constitutive T-cell–specific ThPOK transgenic mice stained for surface expression of CD4, CD8, and TCRβ. Top shows independent founders controlled by hCD2, mCD4, or mProxLck promoters; Bottom shows F1 progeny of one mCD4-driven line.