Fig. 3.
Ion/water permeation properties as a function of the z axis. (A) Average channel radii during the sampling MD of the nonprotonated and protonated Asp32, Val43Met, and Val43Leu. (B) Number of H bonds (or Na+−O interactions) between MotA/B and H3O+, Na+, and H2O during permeation. (C) Water distribution in the channel during H3O+ permeation at Z = 0, ±5, and ±10. (D) Side-chain χ1 angle of Leu46 (MotB) during H3O+ permeation. (E) Angles between the membrane normal and the dipole moment of H3O+ and H2O. The values in B–E are averaged over 10 SMD2 trajectories. (F) Free energy profiles for H3O+, Na+, and H2O permeation. (G) Free energy barrier heights ΔG and rate constants for water/ion permeation, k and k′. Here was deduced from experimental values with ω = 300 s−1, n = 1,240 (*), and N = 10 for Streptococcus (40), n/2N = 50 for E. coli (41) (†), and n/2N = 65 for E. coli (42) (‡).