Fig. 4.
The maintainable population immunity for a range of age structures. When α is 0, the age structure is the idealized developed one. When α is 1, the age structure is the idealized developing one. a As the age structure shifts from developed to developing, the maximum maintainable proportion immune continuously declines. Notably, the proportion immune for long maternal immunity is lower than that for short maternal immunity despite both being the specific maxima for that maternal immunity function. That is, the optimal vaccine policy for long maternal immunity is always less successful than the optimal for short maternal immunity. b The achievable proportion immune when vaccinating at 12 months. With a developed age structure and short maternal immunity, this is a successful vaccine policy. However, as the age structure shifts towards the purely developing one, the success of the vaccine policy continually declines. With long maternal immunity, maintainable immunity is similarly low everywhere, but still worse on a developing age structure