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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Mar 1.
Published in final edited form as: Lancet Oncol. 2015 Mar;16(3):e123–e136. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(14)70409-7
4. What is the risk for different cardiac RT doses for developing (a)symptomatic cardiac systolic dysfunction in childhood and young adult cancer survivors?
Study Design
Treatment era
Years of follow-up
Participants Treatment Main outcomes Addt’l remarks
Symptomatic cardiomyopathy and radiation dose
van der Pal1 2012 Retrospective cohort


22.2 yrs (5.0–44.5)
5-yr survivors

Age at Dx: 5.9 (0–18)
Anthracyclines: 33.6%
Anth+XRT: 7.9%
Median Anth: 250 mg/m2 (25–775)

Cardiac irradiation:
None (80.4%)
Any (19.5%)

Localization of XRT:
Thorax (31.6%)
Abdomen (24.4%)
Spine (33.5%)
TBI (10.5%)

Cardiac XRT (EQD2):
Thorax: 24 (9.5–88.5)
Abd: 26.9 (3.7–57)
Spine: 30.14 (8–50)
TBI: 15.8 (14–21.6)
Symptomatic cardiac events (CE)
Grading: CTCAE v 3.0

50 CEs in 42 CS (CHF in 27/50)
Median time to event: 18.6 yrs

CI of CHF:
Radiotherapy only: 0.7% at 30-yrs
XRT + Anth: 7.9% at 30yrs

Multivariate regression (Model 1)
Radiotherapy (per 10 Gy)
HR 1.4 (1.1–2.0)

Multivariate regression (Model 2)
Radiotherapy (Yes vs. No)
HR 6.6 (0.6–73), p=0.13

Anth + Radiotherapy (Yes vs. No)
HR 55.9 (6.6–470), p<0.001
Clinically validated outcomes
Long follow-up, large cohort

XRT dose conversion:
Fractions of 2 Gy (EQD2) – includes both fractionation size and total dose

Model 2 removes mutually exclusive cardiotoxic treatments.

Radiotherapy alone not significant for CHF, but is predictive of other cardiac events
Schellong30 2010 Prospective cohort


15.1 yrs (3.1–29.4)
Hodgkin lymphoma:
All pts. treated on German HD-78 to HD90 studies

XRT field/dose reduction
Uniform anth. dose

Age at Dx:12.8 (2.5–17.9)

Cardiac screening
Every 2–3 yrs up to 10 yrs
Every 5 years thereafter

In person +questionnaire
1132 eligible survivors

160mg/m2 everyone

Mediastinal XRT:
Median 25Gy (8–50)

Mediast RT (MedRT)
≥36 Gy: 248 (21.9%)
30 Gy: 133 (11.7%)
25 Gy: 282 (24.9%)
20 Gy: 171 (15.1%)
None: 298 (26.3%)
Cardiac grading per ACC/AHA
50/1132 (4.4%) w/ cardiac dz

14/1132 (1.2%) w/myocardial dz.
10/14 (71%) – MedRD-36
3/14 – MedRD20–30

25-yr CI of non-valvular cards dz
≥36 Gy: 4%, 30 Gy: 9%, 25
Gy: 4%, 20 Gy: 5%, None: 3%; p=0.2
Cox-regression: MedRD only predictor
Low prevalence/ incidence of myocardial disease likely due to low dose of anthracycline.

Large study, long f/up, XRT is the only modified cardiotoxic exposure

Unable to look at anth+XRT

Non-valvular card dz includes CADz, valvular, conduction
Homogeneous patient pop (age)
Mulrooney2 2009 Retrospective cohort


27.0 yrs (8–51)
5-yr Survivors (N=14, 358)

Age at Dx:
0–4 yrs: 40.1%
5–9 yrs: 22.3%
10–14 yrs: 20.3%
15–20 yrs: 17.3%

Siblings (N=3899)
Anthracyclines: 33.1%
No Cardiac XRT: 29%
<5 Gy: 34%
5–15 Gy: 5.8%
15–35Gy: 9.7%
>=35Gy: 6.9%

CV outcomes Graded per: CTCAE v. 3.0

CHF (N=248) – HR 5.9 (3.4–9.6)

Multivariate (CHF):
No cardiac radiation (Ref)
<5 Gy: HR 0.9 (0.6–1.4)
5–15 Gy: HR 1.3 (0.7–2.5)
15–35Gy: HR 2.2 (1.4–3.5)
≥35Gy: HR (4.5 (2.8–7.2)

Dose-dependent increase in cumulative incidence of CHF
Large sample size
Long-term follow-up

Cardiac XRT dosimetry calculations (Stovall et al.)

Significance emerges at 15–35Gy

XRT data not mutually exclusive of anthracycline exposure.
Blanco3 2012 Case-Control

Case (CHF) – N=170
Control (none) – N=317

Matching criteria:
Year of Dx (+/−5 yrs)
Follow-up (controls)
Cases vs. controls:
291 vs. 168, p<0.01

Chest XRT 25% vs. 14%, p<0.01
Clinically validated DCM, CHF

Genetic susceptibility

Multivariate (CHF):
Chest radiation
None (Ref)
Any: OR 4.29 (1.9–9.6), p<0.001
Largest pop of clinically validated DCM, CHF

XRT prevalence difference, but no info on dosimetry.
Aleman31 2007 Retrospective cohort


8.7 yrs (28 669 person-years for cohort)
5-year survivors of HL

Age at treatment:
<20 yo (21.3%)
20–35 yo (63.4%)
>35 yo (15.3%)
Age at f/up:
<35 yo (16.6%)
>55 yo (20.1%)
RT only 27.5%
Chemo (CT) only 4.8%
RT + CT, anth 29.5%
RT + CT, no anth 38%
Unknown 0.2%

17% recent smokers 10% HTN
5% diabetes
8.5% Dyslipidemia
Cumulative incidence of CHF 25y:
No RT 0.4%
Mediastinal RT only 6.8%
Mediast RT + CT, no anth 4.9%

Mediast RT + CT, anth 7.9%

Multivariate regression (CHF):
Model 2
Mediastinal RT only (Ref)
Med. RT + CT, no anthracycline:
RR 1.3 (0.79–2.24)
Med. RT + CT, anthracycline:
RR 2.81 (1.44–5.49)
Large pop of adult lymphoma survivors (most <35 yo at Dx)

Very long follow-up

Critical role of cardiovascular risk factors

Suggest that RT alone no inc. risk for CHF? Ref group is RT
No dosimetry for cardiac XRT
Includes older treatment era
van Dalen18 2006 Retrospective cohort


8.5 yrs (0.01–28.4)

F/up on prev 2001
JCO study
830 Children treated with anthracyclines

Age at Anth exposure:
<2 - 9.2%
2–6 – 30.9%
7–11 – 27%
12–16 – 30.2%
>16 – 2.7%
Mean – 288 (15–900)

Chest XRT:
Any 21.2%
None 78.7%
Unknown 0.1%
CI and risk factors for A-CHF

Univariate (CHF):
RT on heart: RR 0.67 (0.2–2.3), NS

Multivariate (CHF):
No association with chest RT reported.
Not limited to long-term survivors

No XRT dosimetry reported
Guldner32 2006 Retrospective cohort
Cross-sectional eval


5.4 yrs
447 eligible based on anthracycline exposure

No XRT alone pop.

245 (N=55%) participated in study

Age at Dx: 6.2 (0–21 yrs)
Median: 300 mg/m2

Entire cohort XRT heart dose:
Mean 8.1 (15.6)
140 examined and healthy
24 with cardiac failure
65 with other cardiac disorders

Heart radiation dose:
Healthy vs. heart failure:
0.6 Gy vs. 17.8 Gy, p<0.001

Dose-dependent increase in HF risk by radiation dose
No XRT heart dosimetry, dosing estimated
Pein19 2004 Retrospective cohort


18 yrs
Original cohort: 447
218 (48.8%) not evaluated
229 (51.2%) echo’s

15+year survivors

Age at treatment:
6.2 yrs (0–21)
344 mg/m2 (40–600)

245 (55%)

XRT dose to heart:
Mean 6.7 Gy (0–91)
Max 31.3 Gy (0–125)
Clear increase incidence w/time

Multivariate regression:
Cardiac failure, FS<25, EF<50, or ESWS>100 (not limited to CHF)

Avg. XRT dose to heart, p<0.001
0 No XRT (Ref)
>0–5 Gy: 1.63 (0.82–3.26)
>5–20 Gy: 6.48 (2.76–15.20)
>20 Gy: 4.40 (1.11–17.48)
High proportion treated with chest radiation

Very long term follow-up

One of the earlier studies to demonstrate dose-resposne with XRT
Adams33 2004 Cross-sectional


14.3 (5.9–27.5)
Hodgkin Lymphoma
24% participation rate
Age at diagnosis:
Median 16.5 (6.3–25.0)

Age at study visit:
Median 31.9 (18–49)
4/48 (8.3%)

Mediastinal XRT dose:
Median 40 Gy (27–52)
Comprehensive echo evaluation and stress testing

No discussion of CHF
Very few had systolic dysfunction

Most with indices of diastolic dysfunction
Very long-term follow-up
One of few studies to evaluate XRT without anthracyclines
Homogeneous population with not much variance in XRT dose
Poor participation rate
Green20 2001 Retrospective cohort

Through 1998
NWTS 1–4
Cohort 1: 1–4 received dox
Cohort 2: 1–3, dox as part of salvage only
(N=228) Age at Dx: 80% <8 y.o.

Chest XRT – mostly due to lung XRT
CI and risk factors for CHF

Risk of CHF est. to increase by factor of 1.6 for every 10 Gy of lung XRT, 1.8 for every 10Gy of left abd. XRT (no effect for Right)

Multivariate regression (inclanth)
Lung XRT: None (Ref)
10–19.9 Gy: RR 1.5 (0.6–3.9), p-0.4

≥20 Gy: 4.3 (0.8–24), p=0.1

L. Abd XRT: None or right (Ref)
Left: RR 4.0 (1.4–11.6)
Homogeneous population due to diagnosis, the vast majority were exposed before 7 yo

Results approach sig at high dose lung XRT
Van der Pal34 2005 Systematic review of risk of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease for childhood cancer

Lit Review: 1966–2002
Criteria for review:
  1. Original report

  2. English, Dutch, French, German

  3. Study pop.: >50 pts.

  4. Childhood CA: <=18 y.

  5. XRT involving heart region

  6. Outcome: Clinical cardiovascular event (CVE) or cardiovascular mortality

Many studies include arterial events (ie: MI) and CHF as CVE.
For CVE:
9 studies selected based on validity and inclusion criteria.

8/9 studies, outcome well-defined
3/9 risk estimation well-defined and adequate
Relative Risk for CVE:
Cardiac event, matched for anthracycline, time at risk, cohort

Continuous tx. Variables (RR):
Female/Male: 4.5, p<0.01
Anth, 100 mg/m2: 3.2, p<0.01
Lung RT, 10 Gy: 1.6, p=0.06
Left abd, 10 Gy: 1.8, p=0.02
Right abd. 10 Gy: 0.94, p=0.77
Categorical tx. Variables (RR):
Female/Male: 3.7, p<0.01
Anth,>300 mg/m2: 5.0, p<0.02
Lung RT >20Gy: 3.1, p=0.21
Left abd. RT: 3.5, p=0.02
Older treatment eras

For many, no clear delineation between RT-related systolic heart failure vs. CHF due to coronary artery disease, or MI alone.

Dose-dependent Risk
Kremer21 2002 Review of Frequency and Risk Factors of anthracycline- induced clinical heart failure

Medline: 1966–2000
71 articles reviewed
Limitations in many: issing info Lack of RF analysis Non-rep. populations
Assess RR of possible Risk factors in 10 studies Univariate (CHF): Risk with XRT reported in 4 out of 10 studies (3 out of 4 significant)

Gilladoga (1976) N=50

XRT to heart: RR 5.2 (1.6–16.8)

Dearth (1984) N=116 XRT to heat: RR13.5 (3.4–53.3)

Bu’Lock (1996) N=226
XRT to heart: 11.1 (3.7–33.5)

Krischer (1997) N=6493
XRT to heart: RR 0.7 (0.3–1.9)
Review is driven by anthracycline exposure

Few with XRT dose quantification and none with careful heart dosimetry calculation
Asymptomatic cardiomyopathy and radiation dose (Abnormal EF, SF).
Brouwer22 2011 Cross-sectional


17.7 years
5-yr survivors
401 eligible
277 (69%) participated

8 (3%) on cardiac
meds for CHF/renal
Anthracycline Median: 183 (50–600)

Radiation 63%??
No breakdown by dose

Multivariate LogisticRegression SF<29% Anthracycline ≥183: OR 2.2, 1.25–3.8, p<0.01 Mediast RT: 3.0, 1.4– 6.7,p<0.01
TBI: 1.9, 0.6–5.6
Good participation rates Comprehensive echo screen Long term follow-up

Handful with clinical HF included in analysis
van der Pal23 2010 Prospective cohort-Survivorship clinic


15.4 yrs (5.1–4.3)
5-yr survivors 735 anthracycline-treated 601 Eligible for study 525 Had echocardiogram

Age at Dx: 8.9 (0.1–17.8)
Anthracycline: Med – 250 (33–720)

Chest XRT: 36.4%

Cumm. XRT dose: ≤30 Gy 10.8%
>30 Gy 23.2%
Asymptomatic cardiac dysf. Graded per CTCAE LVSF as primary outcome (1st echo)

XRT ≤30 vs. >30 Gy: 12.5% vs. 31%

Multivariate regression (SF<30%): No Radiotherapy (Ref) Odds Ratio
Thorax: 3.49 (1.6–7.6)
Abdomen: 2.66 (1.0–7.05)
Spine: 0.64 (0.23–1.74)
TBI: 0.53 (0.10–2.87)
Abosoudah24 2011 Prospective cohort -Survivorship clinic


3.0 yrs (1–10)
4-year survivors 896 anthracycline-treated
603 eligible for study 469 >=1 screening echo

Age at Dx: 7.7 (SD 4.6)
Anthracycline: Mean – 205 (114.7)

Chest XRT: 34%
No dose in modelField involving heart
Screening echo per COG LTFU GuidelinesNot limited to abn EF/FS

Multivariate regression: No radiation (Ref)
RT to heart: HR 1.7 (1.1–2.8)
Time to first abnormal echocardiogram

Screening frequency driven by age, anthracycline dose, and XRT so unclear implication
Hudson25 2007 Cross-sectional

9.0 (3.0–18.0)
223 anthracycline-treated Vs. 55 – not at risk

Age at Dx: 5.5 (0–23.6)
Anthracycline (AR) Med: 202 (25–510)

Anth + XRT: 26.9%
Chest XRT: 2.7%
Screening echo.
LVSF, Wall stress

Univariate regression (SF<28%): No Cardiac RT (Ref)
RT: OR 0.9 (0.4–2.05)
One time-point
No cardiac dose quantification
Kremer29 2002 Review of Frequency and Risk Factors of anthracycline-induced subclinical cardiotoxicity

Medline: 1966–2001 >50 children/study
58 articles reviewed

Limitations in many: Missing info Non-rep. populations
Non-original research

Validity evaluated in 25 studies 10 studies w/RF analyses

6 studies which defined an abnormal SF with validity score>5
Risk Factor analysis:

Steinherz (1991)
Lipshutz (1991)
Silber (1993)
Sorensen (1995)
Lipshultz (1995)
Pihkala (1996)
Sorensen (1997)
Nysom (1998)
Lanzarini (2000)
Bossi (2001)
1 Study with chest radiation dose as predictor (limited to FS or EF abn) Risk Factor analysis: Steinherz (1991), N=201 >cumulative anth dose × f/up >mediastinal radiation

No dose-effect calculations
Not all 10 studies had populations that would have received chest radiation (ie: ALL, AML)