Nephrogenic cord progenitors are reduced in Six1−/− and Six1−/−;Six4−/− embryos. (A–F) H&E stained sections from metanephric regions of E10.5 (A-C) and E11.5 (D-F) wild-type (A,D), Six1−/− (B,E) or Six1−/−;Six4−/− (C,F) embryos showing the metanephric mesenchyme or blastema (mm), nephric or Wolffian duct (nd) and developing metanephric kidney (mt) at E11.5. Six1−/− embryos lack metanephric kidney development at E11.5 (E) and Six1−/−;Six4−/− embryos lack the MM (C,F). (G-O) Lateral view (G-I, M-O), Dorsolateral (G’-I’) or ventral view (J-L) of whole-mount embryos stained with Eya1 riboprobe showing Eya1 expression in nephrogenic cord mesenchyme at E9.5 (G-, G’-I’I), E10.5 (J-L) and E11.0 (M-N). We measured the A-P length of Eya1+ cells at the caudal metaneprhic region by counting the nearby somite numbers and the reduction of Eya1+ progenitors in the mutants is consistent. Arrows point to metanephric region. Other Abb.: s, somite.