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. 2015 Jun;59(2):122–133.

Table 1:


Reference Objective Trial Design Number of Subjects Intervention Outcome Measures
Hains G, Hains F, Descarreaux M. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, spinal manipulative therapy and ischemic compression: a preliminary study. J Am Chiropr Assoc. 2007;44(1):7–19. To determine the effects of chiropractic treatment on GERD symptoms in adults Preliminary randomized clinical trial 62 One group receiving SMT and ischemic compression; the other was randomly subdivided into either only receiving SMT or ischemic compression Changes in GERD symptoms were reported by patients using 2 questionnaires; one recorded the patient’s symptoms and the other the patient’s perceived impact of symptoms on social activities.
Clinical roundup: how do you treat gastroesophageal reflux disease in your practice? Alternative & Complementary Therapies. 2009; 15(1):31–38. To determine whether spinal manipulation provided any therapeutic effect on functional disorders of the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract A prospected cohort study 83 Chiropractic SMT and soft tissue modalities Severity and frequency of their GERD symptoms
Fedorchuk C, St Bernard A. Case study, Improvement in gastro esophageal reflux disease following chiropractic care and the ALCAT procedure. Ann Vert Sub Res. 2011; (2):Online access only p 44–50. To determine the effects of chiropractic care on a patient with chronic back pain and gastoesophageal reflux disease Case report 1 Diversified full spine adjustments in combination with CBP mirror image adjustment and traction SF-36 self reported quality of life survey
Alcantara J, Anderson R. Chiropractic care of a pediatric patient with symptoms associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease, fuss-cry-irritability with sleep disorder syndrome and irritable infant syndrome of musculoskeletal origin. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2008;52 (4):248–55. Unspecified Case report 1 SMT (HVLA) Assessment of symptoms
Wellhausen S. Nutrition and visceral manipulations a combined approach to GERD. Nutritional Perspectives. J Council on Nutrition. 2008;31 (1):31–2, 34. This article explored the different management options for GERD Review Unspecified Comparison of drugs, surgical intervention, and nutritional and visceral manipulation Assessment of symptoms
Jackson SB. Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Topics in Clinical Chiropractic. 1996;2(1):24–9. Determine the pathophysiology, incidence and etiology, clinical findings, differential diagnosis, complications, conservative management and manual approaches of GERD Review Unspecified Unspecified Unspecified