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. 2015 Jun 30;15:206. doi: 10.1186/s12906-015-0726-0

Table 2.

MIC of antibiotics in combination with extracts at sub-inhibitory concentrations against P. aeruginosa PA124

Plant extracts a Antibiotcs b
ATB Alone 64 - 128 128 64 16 32 128
AGR MIC/2 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 16(2) 32(2) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/4 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 16(2) 64(1) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/8 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 128(1) 64(1) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/16 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 128(1) 64(1) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
AGB MIC/2 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 128(1) 32(2) 8(2) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/4 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 128(1) 64(1) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/8 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 128(1) 64(1) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/16 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 128(1) 64(1) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
AGL MIC/2 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 16(2) 64(1) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/4 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 128(1) 64(1) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/8 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 128(1) 64(1) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/16 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 128(1) 64(1) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
AGF MIC/2 32(2) - (NA) 128(1) 64(2) 32(2) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/4 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 64(2) 32(2) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/8 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 64(2) 64(1) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/16 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 64(2) 64(1) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
AGFl MIC/2 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 64(2) 64(1) 8(2) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/4 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 64(2) 64(1) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/8 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 64(2) 64(1) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/16 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 128 64(1) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
GQW MIC/2 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 64(2) 32(2) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/4 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 64(2) 64(1) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/8 64(1) - (NA) 128(1) 128 64(1) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/16 64(1) - (NA) 256(0.5) 128 64(1) 16(1) 32(1) 128(1)
CML MIC/2 32(2) - (NA) 64(2) 64(2) 32(2) 4(4) 16(2) 16(2)
MIC/4 32(2) - (NA) 64(2) 64(2) 32(2) 4(4) 16(2) 16(2)
MIC/8 64(1) - (NA) 128(−) 64(2) 64(1) 8(2) 32(1) 128(1)
MIC/16 641) - (NA) 128(−) 64(2) 64(1) 8(2) 32(1) 128(1)

a : Plan extracts: (AGFl : Allanblackia gabonensis Flowers, AGF : Allanblackia gabonensis Fruits, AGL: Allanblackia gabonensis Leaves, AGB: Allanblackia gabonensis Stem barks, AGR: Allanblackia gabonensis Root barks, GQW: Gladiolus quartinianus Whole plant, CML: Combretum molle Leaves); b : Antibiotics (TET: tetracycline, KAN: kanamycin, STR: streptomycin, ERY: erythromycin, CHL: chloramphenicol, NFX: norfloxacin, CIP: ciprofloxacin, AMP: ampicillin); − : MIC not detected at up to 256 μg/mL; (): Modulation factor or gain of activity; NA: Not applicable, Values in bold represent the modulation factor ≥ 2, the selected extracts and its concentrations to be used on others MDR bacteria