(a) MEME analysis of the sequence environment (−4 to +4) of 797 truncations localized to 5′UTRs identified two predominant motifs: The canonical m6A motif DRACH (left panel; E = 3.7 × 10−46), and a motif that is best described by the consensus sequence BCA (right panel; E = 4.4 × 10−201).
(b) Truncations in DRACH and BCA sequence context follow distinct metagene distribution profiles.
(c) Truncations in CITS miCLIP cluster around the annotated transcription start site (aTSS). The number of truncations in 10nt bins between −100nt and +100nt relative to the aTSS is plotted (upstream of aTSS, grey; downstream of aTSS, blue). The pie chart shows the proportion of truncations found upstream and downstream of the aTSS.
(d) Truncations identify m6Am with single-nucleotide resolution. Examples of known m6Am-containing 5′UTRs are shown (light blue and teal tracks, unique CITS miCLIP read coverage and unique read starts, respectively; horizontal blue bars, transcript models; red circles, called m6Am residues).