Fig. 3.
Lhx8 and Pten conditional knockout effects on FOXO3 localization. a–c In control mice (Lhx8 flx/flx), FOXO3 is expressed in the nucleus and cytoplasm of primordial oocytes (PF, arrows in c'). d–f In Lhx8 flx/flx Gdf9Cre mice, the extensive nucleocytoplasmic translocation is not observed in activated primordial follicles between 20 and 30 μm (aPF, arrow in f') but is noted in activated primordial follicles larger than 30 μm (aPF, arrow in F'). d–i A similar expression pattern of FOXO3 localization exists in Pten conditional knockout (Pten flx/flx Gdf9Cre) mice. The arrows in i' represent primordial follicles (PF) with both nuclear and cytoplasm expression of FOXO3 and cytoplasm expression of FOXO3 in activated primordial follicles (aPF) below 30 μm. j–l However, in mice that are conditionally deficient in both Lhx8 and Pten (Lhx8 flx/flx Pten flx/flx Gdf9Cre), FOXO3 nucleocytoplasmic translocation is present in primordial, activated, and primary oocytes. The negative control is immunofluorescence in the presence of secondary antibodies and is shown in m–o. The boxed areas in C, F, I, L, and O are shown magnified in C', F', I', L', and O'. p Graphic representation of FOXO3 distribution (cytoplasm only or nucleus and cytoplasm). Oocytes were grouped by size (diameter) as less than 20 μm, between 20 and 30 μm, and greater than 30 μm. Only oocytes with clear DAPI nuclear staining were counted. Scale bars: 50 μm (A–C, D–F, G–I, J–L, and M–O); 20 μm (C', F', I', L', and O')