pPAK expression is increased by acute expression of BRAFV600E in murine thyroid glands. A. Slide sections of thyroid glands isolated from mice following induction of thyroid-specific doxycycline-inducible BRAFV600E demonstrated increased levels of immunoactive Thr423 phosphorylated PAK compared to wild-type control littermates. Total levels of PAK1/2/3 were similar between mice with expression of BRAFV600E versus control. Negative controls (omitting the primary antibody) are shown. B. WB of protein was isolated from the thyroid glands of doxycycline (dox) treated mice with thyroid-specific inducible BRAFV600E and dox-treated wild type and rTTA-expressing control mice. Induction of BRAF V600E resulted in increased levels of phosphorylated PAK, total PAKs 1 and 2, and as well as PAK and MEK specific phosphorylation of vimentin and ERK, respectively.