Figure 3. Embryonic expression of zebrafish eftud2.
RT-PCR and in situ hybridization expression data for eftud2 in zebrafish embryos. Please note the presence of eftud2 transcript in 24- and 72-hpf embryonic eyes as well as whole embryos as detected by RT-PCR (A). In situ hybridization revealed a broad expression throughout the embryo with a possible enrichment in the head and eye region. Whole mount images (B–F, H–J) and sections (G, K) are shown; developmental stage is indicated in the lower-right corner; b- brain, ba- branchial arches, cmz-ciliary marginal zone of the retina, e-eye, f- forebrain, inl- inner nuclear layer of the retina; le- lens, oc-oral cavity, sc- spinal cord, t-tectum.