Figure 6.
Seasonal variations in the depth profiles of the sulfur isotopic composition, δ34S, in sulfate, sulfide, and zero-valent sulfur, as well as of oxygen, δ18O, in sulfate in Lake Kinneret. Black dashed lines denote the chemocline depth. a Isotopic composition of sulfate during the LK2 sampling, b isotopic composition of sulfate during the LK3 sampling, c isotopic composition of sulfate during the LK4 sampling, d isotopic composition of sulfate during the LK5 sampling, e isotopic composition of sulfate during the LK6 sampling, f isotopic composition of sulfide during the LK2 sampling, g isotopic composition of sulfide during the LK3 sampling, h isotopic composition of sulfide and zero-valent sulfur during the LK4 sampling, i isotopic composition of sulfide and zero-valent sulfur during the LK5 sampling, j isotopic composition of sulfide and zero-valent sulfur during the LK6 sampling. Please notice different depth scale in panels e and j. Error bars are smaller than the symbols.