Fig 5. Spinal cord–brain functional interactions during motor sequence learning.
(A) Activation maps show brain regions that changed their functional connectivity during the CS condition with a spinal cord ROI centered on the C7 spinal segment (yellow circle, middle of the figure). This change was proportional with subjects’ improvement in performance speed. Red and blue activation clusters indicate positive and negative relationship between functional interaction magnitude and performance speed, respectively (p < 0.01, corrected for multiple comparisons using GRF). (B) Bar plots show Pearson’s correlation values between the spinal cord and brain clusters’ time series in the early (the first two blocks) versus late (the last two blocks) phases of learning, averaged across subjects. Results revealed a significant increase in negative correlation with the cerebellum (CB—red bars), but a significant decrease in positive correlation with the primary sensorimotor cortex (SMC—blue bars) as learning progresses in the CS condition. There is no significant change in correlation during the SS condition (shown in gray). Error bars represent SEM; *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01, all corrected for multiple comparisons.