FIG 1.
Microphotographs of endophytes showing (arrows) endophytic fungi in Sphagnum sp. (Alex Fluor 488-wheat germ agglutinin [WGA]) (A), endophytic fungi in a fern stem (Alex Fluor 488-WGA) (B), endophytic fungi in a stem of a Pinus sp. (Alex Fluor 488-WGA) (C), fungal endophytes in a stolon of a Trifolium sp. (Alex Fluor 488-WGA) (D), and mycorrhiza colonizing Eleutherococcus sieboldianus (toluidine blue) (E). (F and G) Bacterial endophytes in Sphagnum magellanicum (fluorescence in situ hybridization [FISH] with probes targeting Alphaproteobacteria [F] and Planctomycetes [G]). (H and I) Bacterial endophytes in fern leaves (double labeling of oligonucleotide probes-fluorescence in situ hybridization [DOPE-FISH] with EUBMIX-FLUOS probe for all bacteria [H] and with NONEUB-FLUOS probe [I]). (J and K) Colonization of Scots pine seedling by green fluorescent protein-tagged Methylobacterium extorquens DSM13060. (L) Bacterial endophytes in flowers of grapevine plants (FISH with EUBMIX-Dylight488 and LGC-Dylight549 probes, targeting all bacteria and Firmicutes, respectively). (M) Bacterial endophytes in the xylem of grapevine plants (DOPE-FISH with EUBMIX-FLUOS and HGC69a-Cy5 probes, targeting all bacteria and Actinomycetes, respectively). (N and O) Bacterial endophytes in a nodule of Medicago lupulina (DOPE-FISH with EUBMIX-FLUOS probe targeting all bacteria [N] and with NONEUB-FLUOS probe [O]). (Panel E reprinted from reference 362. Panels F and G reprinted from reference 17 by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd. [copyright 2011]. Panels J and K reprinted from reference 369 with kind permission from Springer Science and Business Media. Panel L reprinted from reference 18 with kind permission from Springer Science and Business Media. Panel M reprinted from reference 363 by permission of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.) All photographs show environmental samples, except those in panels J and K. Note that Alexa Fluor 488-WGA can also detect microbes other than fungi.