Table 1. Demographics.
Mean (SD) | Range | ||
Age (years) | 28.72 (8.15) | 19–55 | |
Count | Percent | ||
Gender | Male | 34 | 41.98% |
Female | 47 | 58.02% | |
Race | Asian | 9 | 11.11% |
African American | 6 | 7.41% | |
White | 43 | 53.09% | |
Multiple | 18 | 22.22% | |
None | 5 | 6.17% | |
Hispanic | Yes | 28 | 34.57% |
No | 53 | 65.43% | |
Mean (SD) | Range | ||
Depression (CESD a ) | Baseline | 14.59 (10.78) | 0–50 |
End of Week 3 | 13.10 (11.50) | 0–52 | |
Rumination (RRS b ) | Baseline | 12.77 (6.06) | 0–26 |
Self-esteem (RSES c ) | Baseline | 20.84 (6.09) | 1–30 |
Count | Percent | ||
Psychotropic | Yes | 71 | 87.65% |
Medication Use | No | 10 | 12.35% |
Psychotropic Medications include: Adderall alone (N = 1), Adderall, Mirtazapine & Olanzapine (N = 1), Clonazepam & Citalopram (N = 1), Paxil (N = 1), Prozac (N = 1), Xanax (N = 1), Zoloft (N = 3), and unknown (N = 1).
a Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale.
b Ruminative Response Scale.
c Rosenberg Self-esteem scale.