Fig. 1.
Treatment schedule of AML-BFM 98 and AML-BFM 04 studies for high-risk patients. AIE cytarabine/idarubicin/etoposide; ADxE cytarabine/l-daunorubicin/etoposide; HAM high-dose cytarabine (3 g/m2 q12h over 3 days)/mitoxantrone; AI cytarabine/idarubicin; AI/2-CDA cytarabine/idarubicin/2-chloro-2-deoxyadenosine; haM high-dose cytarabine (1 g/m2 q12h over 3 days)/mitoxantrone; consolidation 6-thioguanine/prednisone/vincristine/idarubicin/cytarabine/cyclophosphamide; HAE high-dose cytarabine (3 g/m2 q12h over 3 days)/ etoposide; MSD matched sibling donor; asterisk indicates until 2006; CNS irradiation; maintenance 12 months thioguanine/cytarabine; R1 first random assignment; R2 second random assignment; R3 third random assignment