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. 2015 Jul 1;10(7):e0129898. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0129898

Table 1. ME/CFS disease characteristics and selected response data, for 29 patients included in the study.

Supp., CS 1 Sex, Age 2 Infection upfront 3 ME/CFS duration, severity 4 Previous study 5 Family AD 6 Rx infus 7 Clinical response 8 (weeks) Response duration 9 (weeks) Response at study end 10 Notes 11 SF-36mean5 raw score 12 , at 0-15-20/24-36m Function level 13 at 0-15-24-36m
S4A MajR F, 24 Yes, Mono 8 y, mod Pilot, Rx,R-Re No 6 Rx 22–156 134 Yes, 36m LON 34m 36-nd-99-99 10-100-100-100
S4B MajR F, 46 Possible 13 y, mod KTS-1, Rx,R-Re Yes 6 Rx 16–66, 78–156 128 Yes, 36m Rx-Wor x1 32-100-100-100 5-100-100-100
S4C MajR F, 25 Yes, Mono 11 y, mod KTS-1, Pl,NoR No 5 Rx 16–156 140 Yes, 36m Airw.inf. 29-77-76-81 20-85-95-95
S4D MajR M, 21 Yes, Viral 8 y, mild KTS-1, Pl,NoR No 6 Rx 16–156 140 Yes, 36m 32-59-79-100 35-90-95-95
S4E MajR F, 28 No 12 y, mod KTS-1, Pl,NoR No 6 Rx 12–156 144 Yes, 36m, SR LON 22m 38-89-92-74 25-90-100-85
S4F MajR F, 38 No 20 y, mild KTS-1, Rx,R-Re No 6 Rx 34–46, 50–156 118 Yes, 36m Rx-Wor x3 38-63-72-78 15-70-80-90
S4G MajR M, 26 Yes Mono 8 y, mild/mod No Yes 6 Rx 22–44, 46–70, 74–156 128 Yes, 36m Rx-Wor x2 39-81-83-82 25-85-85-85
S4H MajR F, 56 Yes, Pneum. 11 y, mild/mod No No 6 Rx 8–24, 38–44, 48–104, 130–136 84 No, 36m 27-81-92-32 10-85-85-25
S4I MajR M, 59 No 3 y, mod/sev No Yes 6 Rx 36–48, 60–144 96 No, 36m Rx-Wor x1 15-61-61-25 5-60-60-30
S4J MajR F, 42 Yes, GI 7 y, sev No No 2 Rx 4 Of 14–24, 50–60, 64–88 44 No, OoSt 24m Allergy,BC 24m 17-58-72-nd 5-60-75-nd
S4K MajR F, 38 No 10 y, mild KTS-1, Rx,NoR No 6 Rx 20–26, 32–44, 52–72, 78–112 72 No, 36m Rx-Wor x3 15-68-78-21 15-75-85-25
S4L MajR F, 39 Yes, Airway 7 y, mod/sev KTS-1*, Rx,R-Re No 6 Rx 18–24, 28–42, 50–64, 70–86, 92–130 88 No, 32m OoSt 32m Rx-Wor x6 nd-nd-nd-nd 10-90-90-nd
S5M MajR F, 23 No 5 y, mod KTS-1, Rx,R-Re No 11 Rx 26–36, 38–60, 84–100, 114–156 90 Yes, 36m 36-38-64-88 10-75-75-70
S5N MajR M, 49 No 12 y, mod KTS-1, Pl,NoR Yes 9 Rx 94–156 62 Yes, 36m 38-35-44-60 10-50-70-72
S5O ModR F, 47 Yes, Mono 4 y, mod No Yes 10 Rx 28–42, 46–54, 66–88, 92–144 96 No, 33m Rx-Wor x3 28-37-40-35 7-18-30-31
S5P ModR M, 58 No 17 y, mod KTS-1, Pl,NoR Yes 9 Rx 58–112 54* Yes, 25m OoSt 25m 35-52-52-nd 15-40-40-nd
S5Q ModR F, 44 Yes, GI 5 y, sev KTS-1, Pl,NoR No 10 Rx 64–80, 82–94, 96–102, 112–124 46 No, 32m OoSt 32m Rx-Wor x3 14-30-60-12 5-70-70-20
S5R ModR M, 50 Possible, Airway 17 y, mod/sev KTS-1, Pl,NoR Yes 11 Rx 72–142, 148–156 78 Yes, 36m Gallstone 33m 19-26-32-32 8-19-32-38
S6U MargR F, 56 Yes, Mono 8 y, mod KTS-1, Rx,NoR Yes 5 Rx 76–92 16** No, 36m No sign. response 26-23-33-29 13-17-75-15
S6S NonR F, 42 Yes, Borrelia 5 y, mild KTS-1, Rx,R-Re No 4 Rx No response 0 No, 35m 33-22-35-58 20-25-35-35
S6T NonR F, 21 Yes, Airway 7 y, mod KTS-1, Rx,R-Re Yes 8 Rx No response 0 No, OoSt 24m 45-nd-41-nd 20-65-65-nd
S6V NonR M, 50 No 1 y, mild No No 5 Rx No response 0 No, 36m *See comment 21-43-51-44 50-70-75-75
S6W NonR F, 26 Yes, GI 3 y, mild/mod KTS-1, Pl,NoR Yes 5 Rx No response 0 No, 36m Airw.inf, ITP 36m 21-32-30-30 15-20-20-20
S6X NonR F, 37 No 20 y, mod KTS-1, Pl,NoR Yes 5 Rx No response 0 No, OoSt 24m 23-21-14-nd 15-15-15-nd
S6Y NonR F, 32 No 9 y, mod/sev No Yes 6 Rx No response 0 No, OoSt 24m 20-19-19-nd 8-8-12-nd
S6Z1 NonR M, 51 Yes, GI 8 y, mild/mod KTS-1, Rx,R-Re No 4 Rx No response 0 No, OoSt 12m MargR KTS-1 33-33-nd-nd (0m and 12m) 20-22-nd-nd (0m and 12m)
S6Z2 NonR F, 49 Yes, Mono 13 y, mod No No 5 Rx No response 0 No, OoSt 24m 30-26-36-nd 15-15-15-nd
S6Z3 NonR F, 56 Yes, Viral 5 y, sev No No 5 Rx No response 0 No, 36m 7-9-11-6 8-6-4-3
*See legend M, 35 Yes, Throat 1.5 y, mod No No 1 Rx nd OoSt 0m* Allergy nd nd

1: The numbers refer to corresponding plots in S4, S5 and S6 Figs (i.e. S4A means S4 Fig panel A) for each of 28 individual patients receiving rituximab maintenance treatment. Among 18 patients fulfilling the predefined response criterion, clinical significance (CS) was determined post-hoc as Major (MajR, n = 14) or Moderate (ModR, n = 4). One patient had a marginal response (MargR) and nine patients were non-responders (NonR).

*: one patient (last row in Table 1) had an allergic reaction to the first rituximab infusion and did not receive induction treatment or complete follow-up.

2: F: female, M: male. Age in years.

3: Indicating infection preceding ME/CFS onset. Mono: mononucleosis; Viral: viral infection not otherwise specified; GI: gastrointestinal infection; Airway: upper airways infection; Borrelia: Borrelia infection; Pneum.: pneumonia.

4: ME/CFS disease duration given in years (y). ME/CFS severity categorized as mild: mild grade; mild/mod: mild to moderate grade; mod: moderate grade, mod/sev: moderate to severe grade; sev: severe grade (see Materials and Methods).

5: Previous participation in clinical studies on ME/CFS. Pilot: pilot patient. KTS-1: participated in the KTS-1-2008 study; Pl,NoR: previously given placebo in KTS-1-2008 with no clinical response; Rx,R-Re: previously given rituximab in KTS-1-2008 (or as pilot) with clinical response and later relapse; Rx,NoR: previously given rituximab in KTS-1-2008 with no clinical response; No: the patient had not participated in previous studies. *: this patient (corresponding to S4 Fig panel L) was a participant in KTS-1-2008 and also a pilot patient for this study.

6: Autoimmune diseases (AD) among first-degree relatives were present for 12 out of 29 included patients (41%). These AD included rheumatoid arthritis (in relatives of seven patients), Sjøgren’s syndrome (in relatives of two patients), ulcerative colitis (in relatives of three patients), thyroiditis (in relatives of two patients). Also, glomerulonephritis, lupus, juvenile arthritis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis (all present in relatives of single patients).

7: Rx infus: number of rituximab (Rx) infusions given to each patient (see Materials and Methods, and Results).

8: Clinical response periods according to predefined criteria, i.e. periods of Fatigue score ≥ 4.5 for at least six consecutive weeks which must include at least one recording of Fatigue score >5.0 during the response period. The numbers show the intervals with clinical response given in weeks during follow-up.

9: Response durations defined as the sum of individual clinical response periods during follow-up, and given in weeks. *: This patient had a moderate improvement from 58–112 weeks, and with a mean Fatigue score exactly 5.0 in the interval 80–112 weeks. He did not fulfill strict response criteria, but was post-hoc judged as a moderate responder.

**: This patient fulfilled predefined response criteria, but had a short lasting and late response period, interpreted post-hoc as probably not related to intervention and not clinically significant.

10: Clinical response status at end of study. Also shown the time of last recording for each patient. Yes: still in clinical response at end of follow-up; No: not in clinical response at end of follow-up; OoSt: out of study, also indicating time point during follow-up; SR: slight symptom increase but still in response;

*: allergic reaction to first rituximab infusion, did not complete induction therapy or follow-up.

11: LON: late onset neutropenia; Airw.inf.: several airways infections; Rx-Wor: indicating number of transient worsening of ME/CFS-symptoms after rituximab infusions; Allergy: allergic reaction to rituximab; BC: breast cancer; ITP: idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (also indicated in the corresponding panels in S4, S5 and S6 Figs);

*See comment: this patient had improvement during follow-up assessed by SF-36 scores and selfreported Function level, but did not fulfill criteria for clinical response; MargR KTS-1: this patient had a marginal response duration in the previous KTS-1-2008 study; No sign. response: not interpreted as a clinically significant response.

12: SF-36mean5 is the mean of raw scores for the five SF-36 subdimentions Physical function, Bodily pain, Vitality, General health, and Social function (scales 0–100), shown at 0, 15, 20 or 24, and 36 months follow-up (in three patients last recording at 31, 33 and 35 months, respectively); nd: not done.

13: Self-reported Function level, given as per cent (0–100%) in which 100% denotes completely healthy, according to a form with examples (S3 Fig), recorded at 0, 15, 24 and 36 months follow-up (in three patients last recording at 31, 33 and 35 months, respectively); nd: not done.