Table 1.
Characteristic | Frequency or mean (SD) |
Gender | Female = 52 % |
Age (Mean, SD, Range) | 70 ± 10, 31–91 |
Education (completed school/GCSE as a minimum level of education for Y/N) | Education (Yes) = 60 % |
Accommodation | Owner = 77 %, Rented = 23 % |
Own transport | Cars = 68 % |
Employmenta | In paid job = 13 % |
Number of conditions (Mean, Range) | 7 ± 3.1, 2–20 |
Combined HADS score (Mean, Range, SD) | 13 ± 7.8, 0–40 |
How long had LTC? (<5 years/>5 years) | <5 years = 15 % / > 5 years 85 % |
Discussed their LTC and management with the GP in the last 12 months (Y/N) | Y = 78 % |
aincluding those who are retired from service