Table 2. Pathways and gene information for top 20 unique genes from multivariate EEG-genetic association analysis.
Gene networks | ||||||
Gene | SNP | CHR | Position | ZS | RW | Functional attribute/pathway involved |
G1 | ||||||
MSRAa | rs11250004I | 8p23.1 | 10 270 958 | −5.78 | 1 | Protection from oxidative damage |
CD200a | rs12106673I | 3q13.2 | 112 061 731 | 4.74 | 0.82 | T-CP, regulates myeloid cell activity/IS |
BLKa | rs2618451I | 8p23.1 | 11 376 266 | −4.31 | 0.74 | CPD, stimulates insulin synthesis/IS, FA |
TBC1D12a | rs1931757I | 10q23.33 | 96 229 166 | −4.27 | 0.73 | GTPase-activating protein for Rab proteins |
CLTCL1a | rs1061325Ca | 22q11.21 | 19 184 095 | 4.1 | 0.709 | Clathrin coated vesicles/SV, endocytosis |
CYP2C19a | rs10786172I | 10q23.33 | 96 581 094 | −4.09 | 0.707 | Catalyze reactions in drug metabolism/estrone, AA metabolism |
CDK14a | rs732956I | 7q21.13 | 90 589 751 | 4.07 | 0.704 | Neuron differentiation and CNS development |
DISC1a | rs9432040I | 1q42.2 | 232 014 116 | 3.94 | 0.681 | Neurite growth and cortical development |
DDR2a | rs4656376I | 1q23.3 | 162 640 649 | 3.81 | 0.659 | CC, Regulation of CG and CD/adhesion, CS |
SLC2A12 | rs1385066Utr-3 | 6q23.2 | 134 310 874 | −3.80 | 0.657 | Catalyzes uptake of sugars/glucose transport |
CACNG4 | rs2108822I | 17q24.2 | 65 021 998 | 3.75 | 0.648 | Regulates AMPA glutamate receptors, synapse/CS, neuronal system and glutamate binding |
CCDC88C | rs1951251I | 14q32.11 | 91 859 263 | −3.72 | 0.643 | Regulates WNT signaling, protein phosphorylation |
BICC1a | rs11815410I | 10q21.1 | 60 516 335 | 3.71 | 0.641 | Modulates protein translation during embryonic development, cadherin-based CA |
TBCDa | rs8067926I | 17q25.3 | 80 838 588 | 3.68 | 0.636 | Tubulin folding, modulate microtubule dynamics/protein folding and metabolism |
SGCZ | rs17119719I | 8p22 | 14 392 321 | −3.65 | 0.631 | Involved in ECM, muscle cell development and homeostasis |
C12ORF56a | rs10878163I | 12q14.2 | 64 757 513 | −3.64 | 0.629 | Unknown |
PLEKHG1a | rs6557088I | 6q25.1 | 151 041 385 | −3.62 | 0.626 | Unknown |
NARS2a | rs10501429Utr-5 | 11q14.1 | 78 279 790 | 3.61 | 0.624 | Unknown/aminoacyl tRNA biosynthesis |
TNKS | rs7840706I | 8p23.1 | 9 535 056 | −3.57 | 0.617 | Regulates telomere length, vesicle trafficking/NAD metabolism |
GAB2 | rs2248407C | 11q14.1 | 77 937 800 | 3.56 | 0.615 | Regulates signaling pathways/NS, immune response Fc epsilon RI |
G3 | ||||||
CACNA1Ia | rs3788568I | 22q13.1 | 40 011 273 | −4.66 | 1 | Regulates neuronal excitability, signaling and ST/AG, CS and MAPK signaling |
SLC44A5a | rs625357I | 1p31.1 | 75 754 161 | 4.6 | 0.987 | CP, choline transport/phospholipid metabolism |
EPB41L4B | rs4978787I | 9q31.3 | 112 024 496 | −4.59 | 0.984 | Axonal development |
NTRK3 | rs3784429I | 15q25.3 | 88 610 457 | −4.15 | 0.89 | CD, proprioceptive neuron development/NS and apoptosis |
SVILa | rs1247089I | 10p11.23 | 30 000 738 | −4.14 | 0.888 | Involved in cell spreading and disassembly of focal adhesions/androgen receptor activity |
CLMPa | rs6589969I | 11q24.1 | 123 013 271 | 4.08 | 0.875 | Cell–cell adhesion |
TBC1D12a | rs1931757I | 10q23.33 | 96 229 166 | −3.91 | 0.839 | Refer to G1 |
REC8a | rs3736840I | 14q12 | 24 647 522 | −3.76 | 0.806 | Involved in meiosis/meiotic synapsis |
PID1a | rs6729811I | 2q36.3 | 230 079 538 | 3.75 | 0.804 | Proliferation of preadipocytes |
TRPC4a | rs1415601I | 13q13.3 | 38 440 568 | −3.75 | 0.804 | Regulates neurotransmitter release and CP/AG, CS and Netrin-1 signaling |
DOCK8 | rs10967788I | 9p24.3 | 282 180 | −3.75 | 0.804 | Rho GTPases interactors |
CSMD1a | rs2194604I | 8p23.2 | 3 964 022 | −3.69 | 0.791 | CA, signal transduction/CAM and complement component |
PSD3a | rs11785914I | 8p22 | 18 698 031 | 3.69 | 0.791 | Unknown/endocytosis |
CD200a | rs12106673I | 3q13.2 | 112 061 731 | 3.65 | 0.783 | Refer to G1 |
CAPN9a | rs872505I | 1q42.2 | 230 904 268 | −3.56 | 0.763 | Ca2+ and calmodulin binding |
C16ORF73a | rs7200137I | 16p13.3 | 1 901 211 | 3.56 | 0.763 | Unknown |
MSRAa | rs11250004I | 8p23.1 | 10 270 958 | −3.53 | 0.757 | Refer to G1 |
UNC13Ca | rs1124991I | 15q21.3 | 54 384 302 | −3.51 | 0.753 | Synaptic vesicle exocytosis, regulate ST/SV |
TRPM3 | rs7860377I | 9q21.12 | 73 312 129 | −3.51 | 0.753 | Regulates cellular CS, ion transport/intracellular CS |
SLC02B1 | rs2712818I | 11q13.4 | 74 865 831 | 3.49 | 0.748 | Regulates placental uptake of sulfated steroids/transport of organic anions and nucleosides |
Abbreviations: AA, Arachidonic acid; AG, axon guidance; C, coding; CA, cell adhesion; CAM, cell adhesion molecule; CC, cell communication; CD, cell differentiation; CG, cell growth; CHR, chromosome; CNS; central nervous system; CP, cell proliferation; CPD, cell proliferation and differentiation; CS, calcium signaling; ECM, extracellular matrix; EEG, electroencephalogram; HC, histocompatibility complex; I, Intronic; IS, immune system; M, missense; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinases; NS, neurotrophin signaling; RW, relative weights (absolute Z-score divided by the maximum absolute SNP weight); SNP, single-nucleotide poymorphism; ST, synaptic transmission; SV, synaptic vesicle; Utr-3, three prime untranslated region; Utr-5, five prime untranslated region; ZS, Z-score.
Multiple SNP occurrences (>2) of the gene within the genetic network.