Figure 2. Bond angle and translational relaxation times.
(a) The ratio of the relaxation time for the bond-orientational correlation functions τθ and the self-intermediate scattering function τα for the 2D system (circles) and the 3D system (squares). The ratio τθ/τα for the 3D system is approximately constant and equal to 0.1–0.2 over the entire range of temperatures. The green circles are for Newtonian dynamics (ND) and the blue circles are results for Brownian dynamics (BD). The error bars are the standard error computed from four independent trajectories. (b) The self-intermediate scattering function Fs(k; t) (red lines) and the bond angle time correlation function CQ(t) (blue lines) rescaled by τα for the 3D system. (c) The self-intermediate scattering function Fs(k;t) (green solid lines) and the bond angle time correlation function CΨ(t) (violet dashed lines) rescaled by τα for the 2D system. (a–c) Results for the Kob–Andersen binary mixtures.