Table 1.
Patients | EEG–fMRI IED types (number) | Single/ burst | Average and max duration of the events (s) | Slow wave presence | Focal/ diffuse | Maximum IED distribution | fMRI max deactivation (max t-value) | fMRI max activation (max t-value) |
Deactivation | ||||||||
1 | Runs of spike and wave complexes in the BiO regions, max at O2 (160) | Burst | 2.3; 7.5 | Yes | Diffuse | O2 > O1 | R (−20) > L occipital | Bil T (+10) |
2 | Rhythmic slow waves over the R hemisphere max at O2–P10–T6 (38) | Burst | 1.5; 6.6 | Yes | Focal | T6–P10–O2 | R occipital (−7.86) and DMN | Bil thal (+6.17) |
3 | Burst of bilateral and diffuse spike and slow wave complexes prevalent in the two occipital regions (sometimes more in the R; sometimes in the L) (157) | Burst | 14; 47.2 | Yes | Diffuse | O2–O1 | Bil occipital (−17.9) | Mid cing (+11.8) |
4 | Spike and wave L frontocentral (F3–C3) (130) | Single | _ | Yes | Focal | F7–C3 | Post part second F gyrus (−4.43) | L pars triangularis inf F gyrus (+5.27) |
5 | Rhythmic sharp slow waves over the L hemisphere predominant over TPO region (24) | Burst | 2.28; 6.4 | Yes | Diffuse | T5–P9–O1 | Post T2 (−8.26) | Cereb (+4.55) |
6 | 2 Hz runs of spike and waves, diffuse, max at T4–T6 (89) | Burst | 2.5; 4.2 | Yes | Diffuse | T4–T6 | Mid and Post T (−8.25) | Mesial part of lesion (+5) |
7 | Burst of diffuse spike and slow wave complexes prevalent in the 2 occipital regions (R > L) (157) | Burst | 6.9; 28.9 | Yes | Diffuse | O2–O1 | R (−17.26) > L occipital | Cing cortex (+11), bil insulae |
8 | Rhythmic slow wave with some intermingled spikes max at F7 (42) | Burst | 5.4; 15.15 | Yes | Focal | F7 | L FC (−9) | Small patches (+6.71) |
9 | Bursts of spike and wave max at P10–T6–O2 (115) | Burst | 3.8; 10.4 | Yes | Diffuse | T6–P10–O2 | R TPO (−6.7) | R mid cing (+6) |
10 | Fp2–F4 > Fp1–F3 spike and wave (53) | Single | _ | Yes | Diffuse | Fp2– F4 > Fp1– F3 | R F (−5.64)-bil head of caudate | None |
11 | Burst of diffuse spike and waves-more evident in the R O region (24) | Burst | 8.2; 34.1 | Yes | Diffuse | O2 with BDD | R occipital (−22) and DMN | Mid cing (+2) |
12 | Spike and wave phase reversal at T3 and equipotential at F9–T9 (12) | Burst | 2.3; 6.1 | Yes | Focal | T3–F9–T9 | L lateral OF (−6.55) | Ventricles (+5.26) |
13 | Spike or polyspike and slow wave over F8–T4–F10–T10 (17) | Single | _ | Yes | Focal | F8–T4 | R Hippocampus (−5.4). Midline cereb-pons-bil thal | Bil F (+4) |
14 | F4–C4 spike (436) | Single | _ | No | Focal | F4–C4 | Along post part of the lesion (−7.71)-DMN | Along ant part of the lesion (+7.31)-bil thal |
15 | Low amplitude spikes at F3–F7 (459) | Single | _ | No | Focal | F3–F7 | L second F gyrus (−4.7)-L > R paramedian first F gyrus | L second F gyrus (+4)-mid L cing gyrus |
Activation | ||||||||
16 | Spike with phase reversal at F8 (Fp2–F8–F10–T10) (31) | Single | _ | No | Focal | Fp2–F8– F10–T10 | None | Lateral R OF (+3.9) |
17 | Spike phase reversal at F7–T3 (16) | Single | _ | No | Focal | F7–T3 | 3rd and lateral ventricles | Ant second LF (+5.2)-L thal |
18 | Spike with phase reversal at F8 or T4 (3) | Single | _ | No | Focal | F8–T4 | None | R amygdala (+4.71) |
19 | Runs of spikes with phase reversal at T5 (4) | Burst | 36.5; 56.2 | No | Focal | T5 | R OF mesial (−8.17) | L supramarginal gyrus (+11.72) |
20 | Spike at F8-equipotential at F10– T10 (6) | Single | _ | No | Focal | F10–T10 | Ant R F lobe (−3.7) | Body of the R hippocampus (+6.13) |
21 | Spikes C3–P3 (34) | Single | _ | No | Focal | C3–P3 | None | L (+5.1) > R mid postcentral cortex |
22 | Spike and slow wave complexes-diffuse-but more prevalent in the R FT region (46) | Burst | 5.5; 61.6 | Yes | Diffuse | F8–T10 with BDD | Paracentral lobules (−11) | Pars triangularis inf F gyrus (+18.7) and cing cortex |
23 | Spike and slow waves max at T3– T5 (12) | Burst | 4.8; 35.33 | Yes | Focal | T3–T5 | R angular gyrus (−5.12) | First T gyrus (+5.83) |
24 | F8–T4 spike (192) | Single | _ | No | Focal | F8 T4 | Ventricles | R lat OF (+14.8)-ant cing |
25 | Spike and slow wave max at F7 (8) | Single | _ | Yes | Focal | F7 | Bil P R (−4) > L | L hipp (+6.42)-ant L T1 |
26 | Frequent spikes max at P3-O1 (300) | Single | _ | No | Focal | P3–O1 | Small patches | Lateral L O (+5.35) |
27 | Sharp and slow wave with phase reversal at T3 (170) | Single | _ | Yes | Focal | T3 | Bil P-bil F (−4.9) | Ant second F gyrus (+7.6)-ant cing-L thal |
28 | Bursts of spike and slow waves complexes on the L hemisphere-max at T5(6) | Burst | 0.5; 4.9 | Yes | Diffuse | T5 | Posterior cing (−7) | L ins TPO (+16.8) (heterotopia) |
29 | Burst of polyspikes max at T5–P3– O1 (12) | Single | _ | No | Focal | T5–P3–O1 | Ant ins-ant (−6) and post cing-precuneus-bil P | L (+6.7) > R temporo-occipital region |
30 | C3–P3–O1–Pz spikes (100) | Single | _ | No | Focal | C3–P3–O1 | R (−4.2) > L pre-central gyri | L P lobule (+6.2) |
Ant anterior, Bil bilateral, C central, Cereb cerebellum, Cing cingulate gyrus, F frontal, IED interictal epileptic discharge, Inf inferior, Ins insula, L left, OF orbito-frontal, P parietal, Post posterior, R right, Sup superior, SW spike and wave complexes, T temporal, Thal thalamus, TPO temporo-parieto-occipital region