Schematic illustration of representative mystacial and post-facial hyrax follicle-sinus complexes (FSCs) characterizing innervation types and sensory nerve endings observed. Labels for mystacial FSC also apply to post-facial FSC. Each is characterized by a dense connective tissue capsule, dense innervation (particularly Merkel ending complexes), a circumferential ring sinus, a prominent ringwulst, and a dense mesenchymal sheath. The vibrissa of the mystacial FSC (but not the postfacial FSC) exhibited a ridged appearance at the level of the lower ring sinus continuing through the majority of the cavernous sinus. The relative scale of each FSC is approximately accurate, but innervation is disproportionately scaled to optimize visualization. Scale bar = 1mm. BM = basement membrane, DVN = deep vibrissal nerve, ICB = inner conical body, IRS = inner root sheath, MB = mesenchymal bulge, MS = mesenchymal sheath, OCB = outer conical body, ORS = outer root sheath, RRC = rete ridge collar, RS = ring sinus, RW = ringwulst, SG = sebaceous gland, SVN = superficial vibrissal nerve, VEN = venous supply.