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. 2015 May 20;15:118. doi: 10.1186/s12884-015-0541-0

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics and bivariate regressions of studied variables by birthweight

Variables Min Max Total population n = 10,692 Normal birth weight n = 9,523 Low birth weight n = 1,169 P Value
Low birth weight 0 1 10.93%
Prenatal care
  No antenatal care 0 1 2.41% 2.26% 3.68% 0.003
  Physician 0 1 92.95% 93.74% 91.96% 0.020
  Other 0 1 4.64% 4.00% 4.36% 0.634
 Quality of prenatal care 0 1 M = 0.90 SD = 0.17 M = 0.90 SD = 0.17 M = 0.87 SD = 0.20 <0.001
 Number of prenatal care visits 0 20 M = 6.72 SD = 2.81 M = 6.79 SD = 2.77 M = 6.12 SD = 3.08 <0.001
Gestational age at first prenatal care 0 9 M = 2.47 SD = 1.54 M = 2.46 SD = 1.50 M = 2.53 SD = 1.52 0.144
 Health insurance coverage 0 1 88.10% 88.45% 85.29% 0.002
Pregnancy characteristics
 Gestational age at delivery 20 40 M = 38.82 SD = 1.99 M = 39.08 SD = 1.50 M = 36.62 SD = 3.48 <0.001
 Preceding birth interval ≤ 1 year 0 1 0.27% 0.23% 0.60% 0.023
 Substance abuse 0 4 M = 0.11 SD = 0.40 M = 0.10 SD = 0.40 M = 0.10 SD = 0.34 0.541
 Wanted child −2 9 M = 0.00 SD = 1.00 M = 0.00 SD = 1.00 M = −0.05 SD = 0.97 0.049
Child characteristics
 Product of a Multiple pregnancy 0 1 0.78% 0.32% 4.53% <0.001
 Sex 0 1 48.14% 47.44% 53.81% <0.001
Mother characteristics
 Age (years) 13 49 M = 27.57 SD = 6.87 M = 27.6 SD = 6.8 M = 27.34 SD = 7.21 0.231
 Education 0 23 M = 9.17 SD = 3.77 M = 9.19 SD = 3.70 M = 9.00 SD = 3.70 0.095
 Employment 0 1 48.23% 48.26% 47.99% 0.860
 Marital Status
  Never married 0 1 11.39% 11.18% 13.09% 0.053
  Currently married 0 1 73.73% 73.91% 72.28% 0.235
  Previously married 0 1 14.88% 14.91% 14.63% 0.797
 Height (cm) 1066 1835 M = 1556.82 SD = 58.83 M = 1558.27 SD = 58.68 M = 1544.91 SD = 59.48 <0.001
  Low 0 1 9.20% 8.76% 12.83% <0.001
  Regular 0 1 73.93% 74.20% 71.77% 0.074
  High 0 1 16.91% 17.10% 15.40% 0.144
 Total children ever born 1 14 M = 2.19 SD = 1.49 M = 2.19 SD = 1.51 M = 2.16 SD = 1.51 0.425
Previously terminated pregnancy 0 1 22.46% 22.46% 22.41% 0.970
 History of sexual abuse 0 1 19.09% 18.75% 21.81% 0.012
 History of psychological abuse 0 1 48.13% 47.83% 50.56% 0.078
 History of physical abuse 0 1 17.87% 17.91% 17.54% 0.750
 Final say 0 4 M = 0.00 SD = 1.00 M = 0.00 SD = 1.00 M = 0.03 SD = 1.03 0.269
Context characteristics
 Number of household members 1 19 M = 5.25 SD = 2.23 M = 5.24 SD = 2.28 M = 5.34 SD = 2.33 0.156
 Wealth index 1 5 M = 2.54 SD = 1.27 M = 2.54 SD = 1.37 M = 2.49 SD = 1.27 0.192
  Atlantic 0 1 19.67% 19.61% 20.19% 0.636
  Oriental 0 1 16.98% 17.14% 15.65% 0.202
  Central 0 1 23.34% 23.71% 20.36% 0.011
  Pacific 0 1 12.42% 12.28% 13.60% 0.195
  Bogota 0 1 7.23% 6.93% 9.67% 0.001
  National territories 0 1 20.36% 20.34% 20.53% 0.879
 Urban residency 0 1 71.56% 71.66% 70.74% 0.513
 Migration 0 1 12.03% 11.91 13.55% 0.047
 Household head
  Woman 0 1 13.81% 13.67% 14.97% 0.225
  Partner 0 1 53.79% 54.27% 49.87% 0.004
  Other 0 1 32.40% 32.06% 35.16% 0.033
 Sanitation 0 2 M = 1.04 SD = 0.46 M = 1.03 SD = 0.47 M = 1.04 SD = 0.48 0.891

P: P value; M: mean; SD: standard deviation.