Fig. 1.
An example of original data from a freely perfused rat in which popliteal artery blood flow was measured during static and intermittent isometric hindlimb muscle contractions. Note the marked differences in the tension and blood flow profiles between the contraction bouts. HR, heart rate [in beats/min (bpm)]; ABP, arterial blood pressure. The large vertical spikes in the HR profile during intermittent contraction are artifacts. Inset: data from the control condition of all experiments in this investigation. Peak pressor responses to intermittent contraction were significantly lower than they were for static contraction (†P < 0.05 vs. static), and peak pressor responses to static and intermittent contraction were significantly greater in ligated rats compared with freely perfused rats (*P < 0.05 vs. freely perfused rats). ΔMAP, change in mean arterial pressure.