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. 2015 Jun 24;95(3):853–951. doi: 10.1152/physrev.00023.2014



Bidirectional non-dopamine reward prediction error signals. A: averaged responses from 43 neurons in monkey lateral habenula during first trial of position-reward reversals. Red: positive prediction error; blue: negative prediction error. Note the inverse response polarity compared with dopamine error responses. PE = prediction error. [From Matsumoto and Hikosaka (344). Reprinted with permission from Nature Publishing Group.] B: averaged responses from 8 neurons in rat striatum. Subjective reward values (tiny, small, large, huge) are estimated by a Rescorla-Wagner reinforcement model fit to behavioral choices. [From Kim et al. (275).] C: response of single neuron in monkey amygdala. [From Belova et al. (36), with permission from Elsevier.] D: response of single neuron in monkey supplementary eye field. [From So and Stuphorn (551).]