Fig. S3.
Influence of ketamine and muscimol infusions into the Prl on immobility in the FST. (A) Location of muscimol microinfusion into PrL. (B) Muscimol infusion into the PrL had no effect on the antidepressant actions of ketamine in the FST. (C) Microinfusions of ketamine (10 ng per side) into the PrL had no effect on immobility in the FST (D) or latency to feed in the NSFT (E). Immobility times in the FST or latency to feed in NSFT are shown as the mean ± SEM (n = 4–10 per group). *P < 0.05, compared with PBS; analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA with LSD post hoc test, B) or independent t test (D and E). Ket, ketamine; Mus, muscimol; Sal, saline.