Figure 1. Geometry and configuration of 3D domains.
Domains represent a section of upper ocean crust, oriented with the long-axis parallel to the spreading ridge, consistent with conditions at a field site on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge8,14,16. A conductive volcanic rock section (red, lower permeability) is overlain by a crustal aquifer (orange, higher permeability) and marine sediments (blue, lower permeability) and two volcanic rock outcrops penetrate through the sediment (light blue). Heat is applied to the base, following a lithospheric cooling trend (1). The sides and base are no-fluid flow boundaries, and the top is free flow (fluid and heat) with pressure varying as a function of seafloor depth. System properties are summarized in the Table 2. Simulation results within the volume delineated with the yellow rectangle are shown in Fig. 2.