Fig. 3.
Responses to selection in the experimental breeding program, as deviation of trait means and expressed in genetic standard deviation units. Responses to selection are based on deviations of trait means from trait means at the start of the selection experiment, expressed in genetic standard deviation units of each trait; trait abbreviations: egg weight for first three eggs (eE3), at early (eEW) and late age (lEW), shell color for first three eggs (eC3), at early (eCO) and late age (lCO), albumen height at early age (eAH), yolk weight at early (eYW) and late age (lYW) puncture score at early age (ePS), egg production rates at early (ePD) and late (lPD), egg numbers at early (eEN) and late (lEN) age, body weight at late age (lBW), and age at first egg (eSM)