Figure 4.
Color-coded representation of the rescaled global force constant matrices for the central ten nucleosomes of 20-nucleosome chromatin constructs with (upper triangle) 28-bp and (lower triangle) 23-bp linkers. The black mesh separates the block matrices corresponding to different pairs of nucleosomes. The average configuration of the chromatin constructs, obtained from the mean values of the rigid-body parameters between all nucleosome pairs, are represented in the upper left and lower right corners of the figure. The nucleosomes are color-coded to illustrate the average three- and twofold periodicity of the two systems — red-white-orange and red-white for the 28-bp and 23-bp constructs, respectively. The axes and variables in the upper right corner denote the ordering of rigid-body parameters within each block matrix, and the color-scale at the bottom depicts the level of inverse covariance (i.e., the relative magnitude of the force constants).