Table 1.
Abbreviated version of the Get to Know You Task, Teaching Task, and Teamwork Task Coding System (Each participant in a dyad receives codes for every item)
Get to Know You Task: 5 minutes |
1. Record total time talking. |
2. Code each utterance as one of the following: |
a. Share, e.g., “I used to be in the football team at my last school.” |
b. Seek, e.g., “Have you seen Mortal Combat?” |
c. Response without elaboration: Peer 1: “I was born in Colorado. Peer 2: “Oh.” |
3. Rate eye contact on 5-point scale, based on flexibility and coordination with verbal communication (1=not coordinated with other communication, 5=well-coordinated with other communication). |
4. Rate conversational efficacy on 5-point scale, based on social pragmatics, including taking turns, answering and asking questions, and not revealing overly friendly information (1=conversational skills rarely maintain flow of interaction, 5=conversational skills maintain flow of interaction). |
5. Rate rapport during conversation/interaction on 5-point scale, based on behaviors that promote or inhibit the continuation of the interaction (1=behaviors make it difficult for peer to continue interaction, 5=behaviors promote continuation of interaction). |
Teaching Task: up to 10 minutes |
6. Count number of times teacher waits before moving to next step. |
7. Count number of showing actions by the teacher, e.g., placing a toy construction piece in a particular position in the line of sight of the peer. |
8. Count number of verbal directives by the teacher, e.g., “First you take this and slide this piece on here.” |
9. Rate efficacy of teaching on 5-point scale, based on checking/helping behaviors (1= no attempts to help peer, 5=frequent attempts to make sure peer is following along) |
Teamwork Task: up to 15 minutes |
10. Count number of suggestions made, e.g., “What about The Empire Strikes Back?” |
11. Rate rapport during the interaction on 5-point scale, based on behaviors that promote or inhibit the continuation of the interaction (1=behaviors make it difficult for peer to continue interaction, 5=behaviors promote continuation of interaction). |