Figure 2. Visual acuity and full-field sensitivity and dark adaptometry changes after injection with adeno-associated virus-mediated delivery of wild-type retinal pigment epithelium (AAV2-hRPE65v2).
(A) Correlation of age with visual acuity in the injected eye. Visual acuity at baseline was compared with the mean visual acuity after injection (all timepoints included); a worsened visual acuity was noted in CH06. p values for Significant differences are reported. (B) Change in logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (LogMAR) scores in the injected and contralateral non-injected eyes is indicated as a function of time for patients given low, medium, and high doses of vector. LogMAR score was normalised to 0 at baseline for each individual. (C) Most patients in the middle and high dose groups were tested for full-field sensitivity to white light before and after injection. LP=light perception. HM=hand motion. CF=counting fingers.