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. 2015 May 1;24(15):4464–4479. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddv161

Table 4.

Replicated BMI CpG sites significantly associated in both leukocyte and adipose tissue DNA from 648 females in the MuTHER, in order of MuTHER P-valuea

CpG marker Nearest gene MuTHER regression coefficientb Same direction as in blood? MuTHER P-valuec Function
 cg17560136 EPB49 0.00233 Yes 4.64E − 33 Erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.9: gene product essential for the maintenance of erythrocyte shape and membrane stability
 cg04869770 PBX1 0.00222 Yes 8.53E − 25 Pre-B-cell leukemia transcription factor involved in pancreatic development and function, candidate gene SNPs associated with obesity, variants may influence porcine adipose tissue fatty acid composition
 cg25178683 LGALS3BP 0.00305 Yes 1.68E − 18 Lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 3 binding protein: a macrophage inflammatory marker, arterial expression upregulated in response to obesity in animal models
 cg01844514 ZNF862 0.00111 Yes 4.72E − 16 Zinc finger protein 862: protein coding gene of unknown function, may be involved in transcriptional regulation
 cg07136133 PRR5L −0.00392 Yes 7.85E − 15 Proline rich 5-like: regulates cytoskeleton organization and interacts with mTOR, a central controller of cell growth, to increase apoptosis
 cg06876354 RALB −0.00129 No 9.40E − 14 RAS-related small GTP-ase B: involved in a variety of cellular processes including gene expression and has role in colorectal cancer oncogenesis
 cg26033520 Intergenic Chr. 10 0.00244 Yes 5.29E − 12 Unknown
 cg08857797 VPS25 −0.00172 No 5.85E − 12 Vacuolar protein-sorting-associated protein 25: part of endosomal sorting complexes required for transport protein, II (ESCRT-II) complex involved in endosomal transport and possibly gene transcription
 cg06946797 Intergenic Chr. 16 −0.00145 Yes 2.09E − 09 Unknown
 cg04816311 C7orf50 −0.00152 No 2.27E − 09 Chromosome 7 open reading frame 50; unknown function, GWAS variants in this locus are associated with lipid levels and longevity
 cg00574958 CPT1A −0.00032 Yes 3.40E − 08 Carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1A: involved in mitochondrial uptake of long-chain fatty acids and triglyceride metabolism, previously associated with insulin-related DNA methylation
 cg13123009 LY6G6E 0.00072 Yes 1.18E − 07 Lymphocyte antigen-6 complex, locus G6E (pseudogene): one of LY6 genes located in the MHC class III region, immune function, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, hematopoiesis, cell adhesion
 cg13708645 KDM2B 0.00184 Yes 1.74E − 07 Lysine K-specific demethylase 2B: a H3K36 histone demethylase, involved in cellular senescence, tumor cell differentiation, part of a complex that represses preadipocyte differentiation
 cg26403843 RNF145 −0.00203 Yes 5.59E − 07 Ring finger protein 145: unknown function
 cg00863378 BBS2 0.00113 Yes 7.21E − 07 BBS-2: member of the BBS gene family. BBS is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by severe obesity, developmental abnormalities and mental retardation
 cg09664445 KIAA0664 0.00077 Yes 9.84E − 06 Aka CLUH, clustered mitochondria homolog: regulates mitochondrial biogenesis
 cg18568872 ZNF710 0.00094 Yes 1.85E − 05 Zinc finger 710: protein-coding gene, function unknown, may be involved in transcriptional regulation
 cg15871086 Intergenic Chr. 10 0.00094 Yes 1.46E − 03 Unknown
 cg17901584 DHCR24 0.00162 No 9.07E − 13 3-Beta-hydroxysterol delta-24-reductase: catalyzes reduction of sterol intermediates during final step of cholesterol biosynthesis, biomarker of nonalcoholic hepatic steatosis, expression changes associated with weight loss after bariatric surgery

aThe MuTHER includes genome-wide DNA methylation data (Illumina HumanMethylation450 array) from abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue collected from 648 female twins (39,40).

bFixed-effects regression coefficient from linear mixed models (LMM), with probe DNA methylation beta value as the dependent variable and BMI as the primary independent variable, covariate adjusted for age, bisulfite conversion concentration, bisulfite conversion efficiency and experimental batch (Beadchip) (fixed effects), and family relationship (twin-pairing) and zygosity (random effects).

cReplication was based on P-value only because increased or decreased methylation may differ by tissue type. Threshold for replication was set at P < 1.8 × 10−3 (0.05/28 tests). There were 37 BMI-associated CpGs and 1 WC-associated CpG carried forward for replication in adipose tissue, and 10 were removed in QC procedures in MuTHER cohort and not tested.