FIG. 4.
Color lymphogram of subepidermal and dermal area in calf lymphedema stage III. (A) Multiple dilated irregular shaped subepidermal lymphatics denoted on lympho- scintigrams as “dermal backflow.” Paris Blue staining, X100 (see Methods). (B) Multiple vessel-like channel structures (arrow). These are spaces between collagen bundles. No lymphatic endothelial cell lining. See also histological picture Fig. 8. Paris Blue staining, X100. (C) In some areas, remaining blind fragments of lymphatic containing stagnant lymph, not to be moved without external pressure. Paris Blue staining, X200. (D) Tissue spaces around the subcutaneous tissue fat globules. Globules denoted by arrow. Paris Blue staining, X100. (E) Tissue fluid channels (arrow) along the fibrous structures of perimuscular fascia. Paris Blue staining, X200.