Src is Required for JNK Activation by Morphine and Fentanyl. MOR-GFP expressing HEK293 cells were treated with vehicle (H2O), 10μM morphine, or 10μM fentanyl for 30 min before lysis and analysis of phospho-Src-IR. Similar treatments were performed following a 30 min pretreatment with 5μM PP2 or an equivalent volume of DMSO vehicle followed by cell lysis and analysis of phospho-JNK-IR for each sample. A, phospho-Src-IR was increased over baseline following a 30 min morphine treatment or fentanyl treatment. B, Morphine increased phospho-JNK-IR in the presence of DMSO, but this effect was blocked by pre-incubation with PP2. PP2 did not increase phospho-JNK-IR on its own. C, Similar results were observed following fentanyl treatment. E, Representative westerns are shown for phospho-Src analysis and phospho-JNK analysis. n=4–13; Data analyzed by one-way ANOVA with Newman-Keuls post-test.