Performance on the BiCaP Task. (A) Design of the BiCaP task which consists of two trial types—classification and production—pseudo-randomly interleaved. (B) The proportion that a given probe duration is classified long (left panel, black dots with SEMs across subjects) for the population in the 1/5 s referent group. Mean produced intervals for the short reference (black dotted line), long reference (black dotted line), and midpoint (red dotted line) are shown along with the SEM (gray bars). The bias-corrected arithmetic mean (AM; i.e., the AM of the produced short and long referent intervals) is shown in green. Note that both the produced midpoint and the bias-corrected AM lie above the true AM of the 1/5 s reference intervals (i.e., 3 s). The mean coefficient of variation (CV) across subjects for each production interval is shown with SEMs on the middle panel. The empirical cumulative distribution function (CDF) of production times for the short reference (blue), long reference (red), and midpoint (yellow) is shown on the right panel. (C) The population data for the 2/4 s group.